What size projectiles does target do?
Thinking lighter jobbies
Anyone tried 73gr ELD's on deer? Just got a packet to work up a load for my not-an-AR
Shot 1. Neck shot so not much of a test. @300wsm for life might be able to help.
Experience. What you get just after you needed it.
Only taken 3 deer with the 73g ELD m. None were at distance, 1 head shot, 1 neck shot both 100mtrs and the third was high shoulder at 150mtrs. All dropped on the spot, as I was rather busy breaking down deer I never looked at the internals of the shoulder shot one.
Decided to scratch the itch & picked up a tikka .223 1/8 twist off a fellow forum member. Bought some 77 TMK, 73 ELDM & have some 80gr ELDM coming to try. Took it to the range & put some factory hornady 55gr through it which shot brilliantly, 5 shots in to 1 ragged hole.
Bought some starline brass to load (have to measure but appears to have noticeably less case capacity than the hornady brass) & loaded up some of the 77 TMK to try. FED205, 2206h & loaded them to 15 thou off jam trying to give myself as much case capacity as possible. Topped out at 24.5gr 2206h for 2840fps (20 inch barrel) no obvious pressure signs but not really room in the case for much more powder. However all the loads from 22 up to 24.5 shot pretty average groups, 1 moa at best.
Loaded a seating depth ladder at 24.5gr from 15 thou off jam to 39 thou in 3 thou increments & still no joy, pretty average groups compared to how well the factory hornady stuff shot.
Anyone out there using 77TMK in their tikka willing to share their experiences? Maybe they like alot more jump than im giving them? Also interested to know what COAL people are running with the 73-75-80 ELDM
Shoots the hornady 55gr factory stuff awesome so no problem with the rifle itself.
LMFAO 24.5grns 2206h has been my 50-55grn load for the 223 for last 25 years and now you fellas are poking heavies out with it.
75/15/10 black powder matters
Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing, and right-doing, there is a field. I will meet you there.
- Rumi
I know Tahr loads the 77 TMK in his Tikka, I tried the 80eldm in mine but didn't shoot that well the 80grn Targex shoots all through one hole.
I've got some 77TMK loaded ready to try same powder charge as I loaded the 80 Targex so I hope they shoot ok.
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