Gave my mate some 55gr Sierra Spitzer for goat ammo. Says its brutally accurate in his XBolt which normally runs 55gr Barnes. No adjustment required. Head shot 3 deer last 4 days.Wonders never cease.
Gave my mate some 55gr Sierra Spitzer for goat ammo. Says its brutally accurate in his XBolt which normally runs 55gr Barnes. No adjustment required. Head shot 3 deer last 4 days.Wonders never cease.
Long story about my Savage Model 10 storm.
What did I want in a 223 - light weight, accurate, weather proof, five shot flush magazine, decent barrel twist to shoot up to 70g projectiles.
What did I get, a rifle that would not feed from the magazine which negated it’s the entire usefulness.
The only reason I put so much time into this rifle is, Savages have a tendency to shoot well, I like the action set up, removable bolt head. The throat seems to be weigh out there, yet it shoots cheap 55g hornady spbt well with a 1/9 barrel twist.
But delighted to say she's all good now, after many modifications’ which should never be needed on a fit for purpose firearm. I couldn’t on sell it to anyone not feeding rounds, as a single shot.
Wrecked a magazine, trying to get it to feed, bedded the action 3 times as magazine height dependant on bedding.
Main problem the feed ramp being too shallow it just would not feed from the magazine. Solution build up the feed ramp with JBs weld.
Tupperware stock, I love the feel & adjustable length of stock yet still flimsy at the fore end, corrected with terminal ballistics stock stiffening compound.
Magazine ended up heavily modified to make it more secure, not flop around, but that’s my fault. Adjusted for length so as to use the 69g Targex projectile, also modified the bolt throw to accommodate extra length, which somehow made the action smoother. Only thing to improve would be take 2mm off the breech redo the shoulder bring the lands closer, be better for the 69 grainers, but for now happy. light hunting rifle, shoot easy half moa & better.
Got a soft spot for 223 and 6 pound all weather rifle that shoots. Hooray
And the 80grn Targex measures the same as the 69 from memory
Sent from my CPH2145 using Tapatalk
Not pretty but it works Savage mag
Took a mate out before the mad weekend rush and to help train his dog and teach him a few tricks and skills hunting as he’s new to hunting. He’s happy to shot 250m maximum. So I setup and shot this yearling at 349m, during the climb up to retrieve the deer the dogs were onto a hot sent and a hind was look at the dogs 10m above us and I snap shot it with a 80gr ELD-m. Pretty happy with the 80 grainer near and far.
Mate and the dogs with the yearling.
80gr did a good job on the neck
Young fullas first deer yesterday evening. Not bad for a 7 year old.
15" Howa mini and the 75gr eldm at 120 yards.
hunting in redbands too I see...class right from the start... hope you get to enjoy the butchery and cooking with youngun too. he will be proud as punch dishing up HIS venison to folks...... fried eye fillets on white toast bread,real butter and salt n pepper should of course be reserved for those present for the shooting and carrying out LOL.
75/15/10 black powder matters
Well done @TLB junior. Lucky young man to have an awesome dad taking him out and teaching him great life lessons.
Great stuff young man![]()
When hunting think safety first
It has been ages since I took the 223 out for a deer.
This was a nice fallow spiker shot top of the neck at 290m with the Belmont 77gr lapua load.
I had warmed up on a few peacocks and goats just before this guy popped out.
Has anyone used Speer gold dots? They're available in 55gr, 62gr, and 75gr as reloading components. Speer gold dots are rebranded as 62gr Fusion ammo in Federal's line up. How about Nosler's 64 gr bonded solid bullet (BSB)?
Seems like a lot of you like using suppressor on your 22rem, how do you like them? I noticed you shorten your barrels so to keep the overall length manageable. How short are making them, 16"?
Those speer gold dot/fusion bullets are bonded bullets and have a good following in the states for deer and hog hunting. They're also cross-marketing to law enforcement.