interesting as I have shot deer with speers awesome 52grn hollow point..arguably a varmit round by all definitions..bought the 50grn hp by mistake,much smaller hp on them..the wallabies didnt notice difference nor did the 110lb boar that got one as headache pill at 30 yards.
75/15/10 black powder matters
The 64 BSB are ok. On the hard side and a bit tricky to get to shoot. Ive still got 100 but they are out of production now.
@Flyblown used them too.
Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing, and right-doing, there is a field. I will meet you there.
- Rumi
Yes I’ve still got quite a lot of loaded ammunition with that projectile.
It was very effective for close range deer sniping with my Tikka Super Varmint. I had them shooting well enough so neck shooting big red hinds at less than 100m was no problem. It literally obliterated axis / atlas neck vertebrae, turned them into chips and dust.
But it’s too hard for double lung shots. Performed similar to an old Barnes that doesn’t hit bone. Had a few runners with chest shots - they didn’t go particularly far and I didn’t lose any, but I wasn’t too keen on the relatively small exit hole and limited bleeding. Much better on high shoulder shots. Ideal for neck shots. I was in an experimental phase, and moved onto something else and never went back to them so I suppose that tells you what you need to know.
I did read somewhere that the bullet is still manufactured by Nosler but just not available to the domestic market, that its sold to Police for law enforcement duties. It’s designed to shoot through walls etc.
@ Tahr and Flybown, yes I heard the same thing about the 64gr nosler bsb bullet in that it's little too tough and difficult to get good accuracy from. Here in the states we can get them as a reloading component as factory 2nd/blemish bullets. They use to be a good deal but now have gotten stupidly expensive.
62gr gold dots reportedly perform very well and consistently on larger animals
Bottom right 62 Gold Dots at 100. 3 shots. Tikka. 26 grns 2206
Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing, and right-doing, there is a field. I will meet you there.
- Rumi
@Tahr, are you using 2206 or 2206H.
@tetawa 2206H.
Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing, and right-doing, there is a field. I will meet you there.
- Rumi
So. Been goat shooting over last two days. Thought I’d try a few more of these 73 ELDM’s out. Admittedly longest shots were 268 &273 metres, most were 150 or less. Of the 31 goats and 3 pigs shot, 10 animals with eldm’s, I couldn’t pick much difference in killing performance from Belmont 55’s with Speer projectiles. Found the same last week night-shooting deer in vineyards. 12 animals shot, loading 55 & 73 alternately in mag. Ranges 80 to 310 metres. Furtherest any deer walked after hit was 15m. Interested to stretch the ranges out further to compare but reckon the 73’s will come into their own.
Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing, and right-doing, there is a field. I will meet you there.
- Rumi
@ Tahr, nice groups with those 62gr gold dots!
A truck load.
150 to 275 yards.
4 with the .223 and 52 grn Targex.
They do the business ok. Pass through at 150 yards.
Lungs from same animal.
Last edited by Tahr; 02-11-2023 at 04:39 PM.
Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing, and right-doing, there is a field. I will meet you there.
- Rumi
That's very interesting @Tahr.
What I am seeing is vitals damage that's significantly disproportionate to the calibre / weight of the bullet.
That's been my experience of using fast, frangible .223 bullets that have a decent lower jacket / shank. The damage is not really discernibly different to .243 Win / 100gr.
I've got a collection of gralloch photos here, you'd be hard pressed to spot the difference between your photo and one of mine with the .308 Win.
Yes. It was quite a big lump of a Fallow Spiker too. Here's a pic of the under the shoulder entry side. Ive sort of discarded the foot pounds of energy thing and look at the trauma and impact on function. The little ones like these 52 Targex behave out of proportion to their wight. I found this out many years ago with the .222 and Sierra 52 grain match - they were similar to the Targex - and I agree with you that the solid bit at the back that does the driving is important.
I still prefer heavy for caliber .223 projectiles for momentum, penetration and BC but they do need to be softish with a splat factor.
Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing, and right-doing, there is a field. I will meet you there.
- Rumi