Yes plenty of good tucker around. Be good eating. Will skin it later and have a good look
Yes plenty of good tucker around. Be good eating. Will skin it later and have a good look
Entry of angled in shot on quartering away buck from yesterday. High shoulder shot. Pic of shoulder peeled back. The hit was a smidge higher than I wanted - needed to allow a bit more for the steep down hill angle. 52 Targex. Shot from clay bank by the trees near skyline.
Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing, and right-doing, there is a field. I will meet you there.
- Rumi
The exit. Punched a hole about 5cm in diameter through the rib cage. Damaging vitals and snapping the vertebrae.
The end result. I love these bullets. Massive killing power and they do it so efficiently and cleanly
I dunno what Bryn puts into those Targex but they are good medicine.
Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing, and right-doing, there is a field. I will meet you there.
- Rumi
A couple of Sika in the weekend for the Howa mini and the 75gr eldm., with the help of the little dog of course....
Went to the range yesterday to verify zero after making a new batch of ammo neck sizing only. No problems there.
Took the 223 out that evening for a proper field test. No problem there either.
One through the shoulder at about 60 yards led to massive bleeding and a deer that didn't go far.
Experience. What you get just after you needed it.
It sounds like the 73 ELDM work pretty well. Do they ever exit @Shearer?
Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing, and right-doing, there is a field. I will meet you there.
- Rumi
I have had them exit but not this time. This one went through the shoulder bone and ribs (the hole in the rib cage was about 50mm round) and there was some damage under the skin on the off side. Didn't find any projectile but I didn't look very hard. The chest cavity was awash with blood.
Experience. What you get just after you needed it.
Recent 2 trips. Using 53gr Barnes. Very dead deer. Embarrassing to see heavy pills used by others. 220m looking away. Back of the swede. 2nd was 240m on side. Never feel under gunned.
fired single 55grn sierra softpoint today (loads given to me by 257 weatherby years ago LOL) it tipped over nice fat fallow spiker/stag at 150ish..he went all of 20 yards with tip of heart missing and both lungs poked lost zero meat as was pretty much perfect meatsaver shot placement/fluke as was shooting off my knees in tall tussocks . Poppy told me animal was there and did great job of finding dead animal in tall tussocks.
18kg daybag full of primo eating.
75/15/10 black powder matters