A couple with the 77 Sierra Tipped.
Lung shot. Bullet found under off side skin.
Entry smashed shoulder joint. Bullet found under off side skin.
Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing, and right-doing, there is a field. I will meet you there.
- Rumi
Red stag 240 yds. 69gn tmk. Punched through shoulder taking out heart lungs and bullet embedded in skin in the far shoulder. Took about 10 wobbly steps and went legs up.
Took this sika on the evening of New Year’s Day, high up in the southern Kawekas. 80gr ELD-M at 2750fps. Hit high so took out the spine and dropped it instantly. Due to the steep terrain he rolled a long way down the gut- so he had the last laugh….
I’ve just recently had Jaco push the throat of my Tikka forward by about 90 thou, to suit the ELD-M. Worked really well, I can easily get more powder in the case, so am going to go to 2208 once my 06H stock is used up. Seems to shoot tighter groups now, and the 77TMK and ELD-M can now be used interchangeably. Same POI all the way out to past 400yds. The TMK starts out slightly faster, but with the lower BC averages out the same as the Hornady.
77 tmk will be the next pill I run when i run out of Belmont black, I was listening to a podcast and they have been working very very well by all reports.
Konus binoculars " The power to imagine"
Bit of a disclaimer it will make you want the rocking horse shit pills to use also very good info around wound channels from a range of bullets
its a little hard to get into as the guy explains his background for 30 odd minutes
Konus binoculars " The power to imagine"
They are very hard to get and expensive when you can. Ive got enough but ration them to myself and use them on nothing but deer. Maybe @Kiwi Greg might be able to source some?
Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing, and right-doing, there is a field. I will meet you there.
- Rumi
@199p Thanks for put up a link to Podcast 35 Bullet Ballistics. I've listened to it once, but need to listen again to try and retain more information. There is a lot of information! Interesting bit about how far under the skin a bullet expands.
From memory I recall you put up a second link (might have been the same link, one for YouTube, one for Apple) could you please epluy to this with the second link?
Hey Hugh yes it is full of great information that shows what most people already know and goes into depth debunking some myths and giving reason why some bullets dont perform as well as others.
1st deer I seen that ran off was shot with a barns ttsx and this podcast explains why that would have happened as it was a great shot.
The owner sold that rifle the next day in disgust.
I have linked this podcast a few times for those who want to learn about terminal ballistics in a well-explained way.
Konus binoculars " The power to imagine"
Anyone looked at bringing 77 TMK in from the States
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