My first sambar stag. I shot it yesterday evening while out peacock shooting with Dad. I had just shot at a peacock at 265m when this guy popped his head up in my line of fire. Dad quickly confirmed to me that we had permission to shoot sambar so this poor stag caught a 77gr lapua in the head at 185m from my tikka 223.
The unbroken side went 28". Nearly a genuine trophy.
Nice shooting.
Experience. What you get just after you needed it.
Great shot. You did the right thing.
Look at the size of the neck on that thing. There's a few sausages in him.
Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing, and right-doing, there is a field. I will meet you there.
- Rumi
Nice to get a lucky break like that. Good shooting. No meat wasted.
Yep lucky as. Not a hard shot as the head is massive on sambar.
All meat recovered. Each back leg weighs 25kg without the hock. Back steaks the size and thickness of my leg (I'm a short bastard though). Eye fillets were 1.5kg each.
We took the reciprocating saw back first thing in the morning and got the ribs and neck for the dogs. Only left the bare spine and hips.
@gimp if you were putting that rifle together again would you use the same parts? is there anything that you didnt think was worth it or that you would change? looks pretty ideal