Moment of impact. You can see the upset ripple in the skin & hair.
Moment of impact. You can see the upset ripple in the skin & hair.
Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing, and right-doing, there is a field. I will meet you there.
- Rumi
How do you rate the Arken, Whats it like in the pitch black? I am about to pull the trigger on one for my Tikka .223.
Very good. Using the IR you will get shots ok out to 275 or so. Without the IR you can still shoot way past normal shooting light - better on night time B&W than colour when it's dark if you dont use the IR. Cant be beaten for value or size. The new Hikmicro 4K will be a step up but bigger, heavier and spendier.
Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing, and right-doing, there is a field. I will meet you there.
- Rumi
Bruce - after normal shooting light how are you spotting the deer? Are you using the optic as a monocular mounted on the rifle or do you have a quick detach mount that you can use to remove it and use it as a handheld? Or do you have another handheld device?
this is the question I have to answer because I hate using nightvision optics that are mounted on the rifle.
Hand held thermal. A shitty old Guide but it does the job.
I’m the thoroughly modern man. But old.
Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing, and right-doing, there is a field. I will meet you there.
- Rumi
Changing the date and time on it is a bit of techo I haven't mastered yet.
What about @gimp. He uses a March 'scope in December.
Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing, and right-doing, there is a field. I will meet you there.
- Rumi
My mate has a Browning which he did not chop and still compains about it being like a noodle with a Hardy can. Ask Friwi. Done all our 223's. Think they are 19. Really difficult to swing on deer if you have an uncut barrel and can. Balance is essential. Ask Friwi again and you never do any cursing when you are in the bush and saying to yourself...he was right. LOL.
228m, same 73gr eldm load. My youngest son's first stag, velvet ethics aside I didn't have the heart to tell him he couldn't shoot. One very happy lad, antlers off to get cured. First shot was a wee bit back but still caught some lung, Logan gave him another one to the chest to seal the deal.
Congrats to your son on a magnificent first stag. I'm sure he will never forget that, especially when hunted with his dad.
In my heart I hope you might someday explain to your son that he has a choice of what to do should he ever encounter such a velvet stag again. Not preaching here, and I'm not suggesting for a moment anything wrong has been done, because it hasn't, but believe it or not if I had come across this stag I would let it walk, and been happy to do that. That's simply my personal ethics talking. In hard antler though I would definitely shoot.
But actually I'm glad you didn't stop your son from taking the shot. I remember my early trials many moon ago trying like hell to just shoot my first deer. It was such a life changing moment when it finally all came together.
A few years ago when hunting with my hunting son we came across a velvet Sika 8 pointer but nowhere as nice as your boy's stag. My son already had a few deer under his belt by then. We debated whether to shoot or not. I told him it was his decision. He declined the shot so we sat and watched the stag until he fed out of view. It remains in my treasured memories of special times we shared.
Sorry about the rant. Congrats agian to your son. I'm glad you're getting the velvet preserved. It's a beautiful trophy.
In days gone by I might have shared the sentiment.
But these days you need to shoot everything you see on sight. Young hunter / first stag aside, the only way I would’ve let this deer walk would have been if there were hinds nearby. The over population of deer of all species across the central North Island is unreal and we cannot afford to be fussy. That includes shooting to waste if you have already got a full backpack.
Recreational hunters need to do their bit in trying to control the numbers. Even if everybody did, it probably wouldn’t be enough such is the out-of-control breeding rate.
I certainly agree on deer numbers af their present levels. These days we hunters simply need to shoot more of them, for their sake and that of habitat. And yes
, it would be very difficult to head off the present breeding rate. In some situations I realise the high road of "ethics" is not the right approach.
Not a reference to your ethics by the way, but a comment on mine.
Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing, and right-doing, there is a field. I will meet you there.
- Rumi
Good on you, if he’s like most of us he’ll remember his first deer for the rest of his life. Velvet ethics? as long as the animal wasn’t wasted no problem.