[QUOTE=John Duxbury;1610912]I dont understand the .243 detractors. I have never found the boundaries of it. I can't see where I would shoot a deer with a .308 that would kill it when the .243 wouldn't.
I don’t understand these people either.
As a wise old fella once said,
“They don’t offer much about the subject,
But they do tell us a lot about themselves”
Cheers MG
If it flies, floats or f#cks, your better off to rent it
Yep I'm hold my hand up, been more than 20 years since I brought anything other than rimfire.
Got a bit of a surprice when I did a quick look across GC's ammo selection for 243.
ps hehe I did get a shock a year or 2 back when I could not get my seirra GameKings and had to buy some Noslers in 35cal. That made my eyes water.
Looking at some Hammers for an alternative as no one makes a 35 with a BC much over .380 without getting too long.
Last edited by ZQLewis; 06-09-2024 at 07:38 PM.
I used 85 nosler solid base shit bc. But they killed big red stags like over 125 kg everything. Shoulder shots behind should high shoulder and one at a ranged 345 metres that weighed 145 kg head off and gutted. Impressive cartridge that is accurate because of mild recoil and noise. Seen quite a few mates go fucken hare gun then shoot there best group with it. As I said don't knock it...
A Forum member recommended Berger's. So we loaded up some 95's. Be the worst projectile we have ever used. They just pencil thru big red stags. My son shot 3 big stags in a mob all thru the shoulder and they just ran away. Like the old Lightforce spottie the ammo got hifted into the gorge. Proverbial POS. On paper they might be brilliant but for hunting you might as well use tissue paper.
That would be disappointing alright. Wev'e been using the 105 vld for years close up to far away and they have been exceptional. I wont try and guess at the numbers of animals but its significant. Given they are 8 twist barrels and we are driving them in the high 3100s though
The early bergers had an issue with the cavity being blocked which theory has it caused some penciling issues so needed a clean out . I always checked with a pin to make sure they were clear, the latter ones seem to be much better.
This is one I recovered from the off side of a hind, cant remember the distance. It weighs 42gns so has fragmented and shed 60%.
Just a slopy retrobate
Targex use Berger jackets and there is nothing wrong with them. The 95 grn Targex never let me down on hundreds of deer with my little lightweight Browning. Who on the forum has got that gun now?
Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing, and right-doing, there is a field. I will meet you there.
- Rumi
Yes. Not sure why I sold it. Had used it for quite a few years.
This is the only semi-failure Ive ever had with a Targex. Have used many hundreds. .243 95grn. Going away up hill at about 250 yds and aimed between the shoulders. Killed it but quite a big blow up before penetrating.
Last edited by Tahr; 07-09-2024 at 02:30 PM.
Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing, and right-doing, there is a field. I will meet you there.
- Rumi
I would love to come across a left handed one.
Experience. What you get just after you needed it.