Awesome to see you FINALLY using a half decent knife Bruce....about time you saw the light.hope you didn't slip getting back down the snowy hill face in your crocs???
Awesome to see you FINALLY using a half decent knife Bruce....about time you saw the light.hope you didn't slip getting back down the snowy hill face in your crocs???
75/15/10 black powder matters
Funny man. I had decent boots on...
At the time there was a thread running on the old forum about those knives so I took that one up there just to get the pic. I carted it around with me for a while and took a few pics of deer holding it. Have just posted one in the current thread.
Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing, and right-doing, there is a field. I will meet you there.
- Rumi
A very dead neck shot tahr there,well done.
That hurt my eyes. Dont ever do that again.
Just a slopy retrobate
Most of my hunting is with a .243 and never had one, not one, failure to kill with 95 Berger or Targex, same result with a bit more "thump" with the 105 Targex. Red stags and bull Tahr included. Will continue to recommend them to anyone wants my opinion. My opinion will of course, recommend hitting the animal in the first place......
Does the Targex 105gr need a faster than normal twist?
"The generalist hunter and angler is a well-fed mofo" - Steven Rinella
I had a 70's-vintage BLR in .243 that did outstanding work on grey kangaroos up to red stags. That rifle had pretty simple tastes, seemed to love the 100-grain Remington Core-Lokt. I did find the occasional failure to exit at longer ranges on bigger-bodied stags, I definitely felt like I was at the limit of that round in terms of killing power.
If I still had it, I'd be thinking more about lightweight monolithic bullets driven as fast as possible. To me that seems to capitalise on the calibre's strengths best.
That's a nice one!!
Have just gotten a .243 for the mrs to shoot with as she’s not a fan of the .270.
Grabbed a box of the federal blue box 100gr to site in with.
Hopefully it’s a gun I can have her excited to shoot!
My now 13yr old has been using a 243 for couple of years now,one of my favourite guns .