Spence strikes again at 220 yards.
.243 95gr targex at a mild 2780fps, slightly quartering towards us. Hit on the point of the shoulder and penetrated about 15". Wasn't a bang flop which has often been the case, made it about 25m.
Spence strikes again at 220 yards.
.243 95gr targex at a mild 2780fps, slightly quartering towards us. Hit on the point of the shoulder and penetrated about 15". Wasn't a bang flop which has often been the case, made it about 25m.
Tempted to get some 69gr Hammers @ 3900 because the heavier Hammers require an 8T or better. Kiwi Greg used some 69grainers in a 6 Creedmoor and rated them. That boy looks happy and should be. Podium.
.243 racking up another couple for the year.
Spencer's usual confidence of "shot it exactly in the middle of the shoulder Dad."
He's closing in on the 8 deer at the age of 8 goal.
Yeah good! Don't know how many deer and pigs I have shot with them but it is a lot. Well into the hundreds as the .243 is my main culling rifle.
To be fair I haven't tried a great deal of projectiles in .243 to compare them to. A few different types of 100gr sp which the targex leaves for dead as far as time to death and leeway for shot placement goes.
95gr sst were very good also and the 95gr ballistic tip but for the extra price of the bt you get no extra performance over the sst or targex.
I can't remember exactly what my furthest shot with the targex has been, think it was about 630 yards. Have shot a considerable amount of deer over 500 with them.
For how many animals they have been used on the amount lost is virtually none. Done plenty of less than ideal shots as far as shot placement goes, guts and back end on running shots, not ideal but the animals tend to give up pretty quickly. Seldom even requiring a dog to find them.
I have had a couple of animals where the projectile mustn't have expanded much and they have made it a wee way but this is an exception to the rule. Normally they don't make it far at all and the projectile expands rather rapidly.
A suppressor also make all the difference for my wife. Big nasty Bang vs no noise reduces the cringe a lot ive found. Suppressed vs non suppressed makes a huge difference to my .243 for my wife. She doesnt mind the recoil but whack on the suppressor and she says its like shooting the .223 un suppressed. Which means shes happy to go shooting more.
Guy Fawks the only man to enter parliament with the interests of the people in mind
Guy Fawks the only man to enter parliament with the interests of the people in mind
Hey what stock have you got on that Tikka @Shearer ?
@RifleTuner It's a custom made by Mike Stewart's (owner of BR) son. I very foolishly sold it to someone on the forum several years ago. Lucky who ever it was because it would have appreciated in value. The handle was made of laminated bamboo, the steel was A2.
Back to .243's.
Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing, and right-doing, there is a field. I will meet you there.
- Rumi