Right time for some collective input.
A friend has just brought a 270 after being out of hunting for 30 years. With it he got a box of Federal 130 gr soft point (blue box I assume).
I put him on to a friendly farmer with an excess of deer where he and his son were able to get some meat to take home.
The concern he had was the lack of damage done by the bullet.
at about 90 mtr on a red hind the bullet appeared to just pass clean through. broken rib each side and obviously a hole through the lung etc but no major damage and small exit hole.
Knowing it was a good hit he waited 5 minutes then went looking, She went about 100 mtr before falling over.
What alternative 270 factory ammo can people suggest.
Most hunting for now is typical small bodied North island deer and goats.
Something that comes with a soft bullet that will but them down.
Not so focused on the smashing a shoulder and then passing through.