Save all your cases and use 160 ftxs infront of 40grns 2208 had a mate with a 308 no4 which would extract but not eject till we used 307 rimmed brass used the flextips in case some one tryed in a 94 mag , they were devastating on reds out to 300m .
Save all your cases and use 160 ftxs infront of 40grns 2208 had a mate with a 308 no4 which would extract but not eject till we used 307 rimmed brass used the flextips in case some one tryed in a 94 mag , they were devastating on reds out to 300m .
I did a few missions into the hut when I lived up north. Not sure if it's still the same landowner now, but I used to give them a call when I was going in there and they were always very friendly. Shot my first game animal in there, a young nanny in good condition on the main track about half way between the hut and the 532m ridge. Made some nice curries! Some tight bush in there but always enjoyed it. The hut was always empty when I was in there.
This is a great old thread to dredge up lol. Love seeing the updates from.afar. keep it up.
I know a lot but it seems less every day...
Steve. It's been hammered. They did a few contracts on it. Chopper worked the southern side.
Still some goats around but not as it was.
I bumped into some aucklanders back in mid to late summer who were camped in there. They were sniping a bunch of buffs but had only seen a few over the last couple days.
My dog took me to some but just a nanny and kid. I decided to leave them.
Still doable though so always worth the effort. I bumped into plenty of pigs in there if ya can't find a goat.
Went in fo 3 days last week of school hols with great grandson stayed at hut, never heard or saw a goat,plenty of pig sign didnt get anything on the ground but grandy had a good time first time for him in the bush. Plan is pueora next hols get him on to something.
sounds good mate, im just in the process of renewing my licence so wanting to get the kids onto something while they are keen on it. definetly harder for decent hunting living in the north. i used to have access to a private block that backed onto the northern part of pureora and always did well out of it. be nice to get back down there.
I shoot on a private block on the west side 3 times a year, have not seen any goats for 2 years now. Can look up to some steep slip faces in the park and used to see goats on them.
My block has now only got turkey and peacocks. Owner wanted to keep a small mob of goats to keep blackberry, gorse etc down on the steeper country that the cattle won't eat.