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Thread: Accubond on game

  1. #16
    Codswallop Gibo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shearer View Post
    Don't get hung up on mv. Anything over 2900fps for a 140gn in the win is fine. Just make sure it shoots well.
    Yeah mate I hear ya. Mines only doing 2700 with absolutely no pressure signs. It does shoot very well though so not in too much hurry to change it. Would like to know where the pressure is mindue
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  2. #17
    Member Rich007's Avatar
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    I shot a couple of fallow last weekend at 220yards with 150g LRAB in .270win doing 2750fps. Both projectiles went straight through, lots of damage to the shoulders and dropped within a couple of feet of where they were shot.
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  3. #18
    Codswallop Gibo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mikee View Post
    good to know since I have just been given some in 6.5 to try,
    Let us know how you go Mikee

  4. #19
    Gone................. mikee's Avatar
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    Im going to try 130s this weekend on paper going really fast would hate for it (the paper) to get away wounded
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  5. #20
    Member Uplandstalker's Avatar
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    @Matt2308 - anything to add on the performance of the Accubond LR projectiles?

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  6. #21
    Member Matt2308's Avatar
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    The standard accubond is a very good projectile and has killed well for me in the past.
    The LRAB has so far met and may be starting to exceed my expectations.
    Game taken from 50 to +700m has ended up very dead!
    PERRISCICABA likes this.

  7. #22
    K95 is offline
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    The most controversial projectile on the internet ever perhaps. I've killed some deer and tahr with the 140 7mm and they worked.
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  8. #23
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    I've used 110 grn in my 25/08 and 130 grn in 6.5/284 and both work well, I have got a 110 back and a perfect mushroom they are the only projectiles that I use on game now.
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  9. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bryan View Post
    I haved used the 130gr AB exclusively in my 270win for the past 4 years with excellent results. Tahr, reds, fallow, pigs, goats have all dropped on the spot. Ranges from 20-380 yards. I rate them very highly. Were easy to get to shoot well, even when set way back to fit the magazine. Have them going 3050fps out a 24" barrel.
    Only ever recovered one projectile, that was on a stag I shot at 200yds this roar, went through one shoulder, lungs and rested against the skin on the other side. All other animals have had 1-2" exit wounds.
    Yep, my father has had similar results in his .270. The .270 130gr ABs were simply devastating - I think he is running them around the 3100-3150fps mark.
    I tried the 130gr ABs in my .260 doing about 2850fps and found they killed well. Too hard for my liking though, a small wound track through red deer when compared to the 63gr sierras out of a 223. I figured I didn't step up to a .260 to give me less margin of error over my .223 so I moved on to a softer projectile.

  10. #25
    Member wsm junkie's Avatar
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    I tried them in 7mm08 when they first came out in Federal's premium ammo - accuracy was excellent but my expreience on game was dissapointing.
    I only shot 2 deer with them but that was enough to turn me off them. Back then I had no idea on impact velocity, bullet construction etc and was simply sucked in by advertising, plus they looked "cool".
    To be fair the 2 deer were Red yearlings lung shot @ 250-300yds, both bullets had exited out off side and the hole didnt look any different to the entry.
    1st went about 200yds, 2nd about 600yds with bugger all of a blood trail - took me 3 1/2 hours to find!
    This is just my experience and I know guys that swear by them but they're not for me
    Just my 2c

  11. #26
    Member Danny's Avatar
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    Thanks for posting all. I am a fence sitter with the AB. I have shot deer using them but because of their accuracy three of the five were taken with neck or head shots. Nothing wrong with that, in fact excellent but;
    I have also had one fall, get up and run for 1km. That's not good and I have doubted them ever since. The 7mm bullet went clean in through the chest at under 200m. Never found the slug but I do know that freaked me out a little.
    Most reviews are favourable and I guess my shot was off...
    I am wanting to load some more for the .280 and so to try at higher velocity.
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  12. #27
    R93 is offline
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    I loaded some 130s for a mates .270 and he shot 1/2 dozen stags over 3 ruts with them. Although dead on their feet and one being his best at 320ish DS, he had to look for all of them. They were all shot under 100 yrds. He went off them and changed to a 6.5-06 anyway not long after.

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  13. #28
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    My 300wm loves 180gr Accubonds, shot Deer out to 560 yds.
    Just bowled a heap of Pigs, Donkey's, Horses, Scrub bulls and Dogs with them, the GG's take a few when you don't place them right but they don't go far.

  14. #29
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    180gr Accubond on a Dog - Entry wound.
    Name:  2014 NT Hunt 026.jpg
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    These seven Donkey's liked them as well

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  15. #30
    Almost literate. veitnamcam's Avatar
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    How fast is the winmag pushing them?
    "Hunting and fishing" fucking over licenced firearms owners since ages ago.

    308Win One chambering to rule them all.



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