We had been planning a trip for last weekend for some time but after consulting with DOC's pesticide summary available online found that our preferred area in the Kaimanawas is in the middle of an aerial dropping campaign.
We then chose to head in the Okahu Valley as according to DOC's pesticide summary, there would only be hand laid baits in this area.
To our disbelief there was a chopper working in this area and a big warning sign freshly pegged into the ground at the road end.
At first I thought I got it wrong but there was another bloke in there with his son (bloody nice chap) which we shared the Mid Okahu Hut with and he had also checked the DOC website before leaving home.
Turns out I wasn't dreaming, this summary still makes no reference to the aerial campaign...
I dont get involved with the politics of DOC's poisoning programmes, in fact I trust there are suitably qualified people that are informed enough to make strategic decisions to control pests but this outdated and inaccurate information provided on their website makes a wookie mad...