I would not know where to start assessing a potential trophy but then I am not trophy hunter. I have no issue with trophy hunting as if if that floats your boat go for it, its just not my thing.
Eating .............now thats my thing so I have no issue myself tipping over pretty much anything using any method (excepting hinds when they have fawns at foot) solely based on how much meat I can recover.
For example if I could either
a) shoot a hind/yearling a long way from my transport and only recover 1/2 the usable meat and leave the rest on the hill
b) a stag (a goodie or otherwise) even in velvet where the whole animal could be recovered and utilised with no waste
then for me its a no brainer the stag would be all over rover.
I have let animals go as I simply don't think I can recover enough meat from where they are at
Thermal, Spotlights etc all have their uses too.
Left over dog bones
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For those that say its not sporting I would say a sport is a contest between 2 equal parties or teams with same equipment used by both sides.