Check out NZ Chronicles on YouTube for New Zealand hunting, fishing and more!
I don't know guys .... If I was American one of them sounds very much like a bigfoot sighting....
Another a dinosaur/monster sighting....
One of the others a UFO....
Fruit salad anyone......??
You can probably understand my reluctance .....
You guys must have stories to tell instead of my weirdo rantings surely
born to hunt - forced to work
Well after reading that I wanna hear those bloody stories even more now!
People see UFO's all the time, they're starting to have less and less stigma attached to them these days I reckon. IMO of course aliens bloody exist, the universe is freaking massive and has been around for 13 billion years (life has been on earth for only 4 billion) so it's pretty much certain that some other planets have had life on them for long enough for an intelligent species to evolve to the point where they can travel space.
As for the bigfoot and monster ones?... Might be bullshit, might be funky looking trees, might be whatever, but who cares if people believe them or not, they'll be good stories either way.
My point is, this thread is all about the unexplainable things that have happened in the bush, so if you've got more stories to add you might as well! Nobody has called you a fruit loop except yourself mate![]()
Check out NZ Chronicles on YouTube for New Zealand hunting, fishing and more!
Yeah man keep em coming. Really intriguing.
Ok then .... You asked for it.....
Me and my mate , same guy , have been mates since college - 35 + years .
We even got our firearms license's together .
So we have been hunting together for a long time .
He used to be a forestry worker back in our 20's so we had permission to hunt the local forestry blocks and used to go out 2-3 nights or more a week til the early hours spotlighting possum for the skins and extra pocket money selling them , and knock over the odd deer for meat .
(Our record was 68 possums and 2 red deer in just over 2 1/2 hrs so a good little earner back then)
So on this particular night , it was moonless and well past midnight , we already had a reasonable haul but thought we'd just drive over a particular ridge (all our spotlighting was done from the comfort of the ute cruising the forestry roads) into an area we usually did well in .
Driving up the road along the ridge we had the spotlight off as the trees had been felled .
Then we see red eyeshine in the headlight full beam , just on the edge of the light , around 8 feet or so above the middle of the road . We figure its a possum on a branch overhanging the road , forgetting for a minute that the trees had been dropped . We stop the ute .
So my turn to shoot and I'm bringing the 22 up out the window and cocking it and pointing it in the general direction of the possum eyeshine preparing to shoot while my mate is trying to get the spotlight out the window . The eyes are still sitting there watching us as possums usually do .
I line up and sight through the scope and think those are funny looking , just didn't look like possum eyes .
And my mate turns on the spotty .
Now let me clarify , before I get any further... It was normal eyeshine ... I am not claiming the eyes were glowing or anything of the like ....
And there's the eyes still sitting above the middle of the road , pitch black and moonless night .
But I swear black and blue beneath the eyes was a black shadow , standing in the road on two feet .
I say a black shadow as we could not make out any details , just an indistinct outline , and a couple of seconds after the spotty came on whatever it was jumped off the side of the road down the side of the hill . I guess the spotlight blinded it so it decided time to go .
Now we are just sitting there stunned for a few seconds then my mate floors it to the spot where it jumped out and shines the light where we thought it went , and I'm grabbing my 308 , more for protection than anything else at this point....
Couldn't see or hear anything so we start the inevitable WTF was that conversation while we nervously scan the area , and I cling to my loaded 308 ready to shoot at the first thing that moves .
After about 30 seconds of backwards and forwards ' I don't know what the fuck it was - do you ?!!?? ' with the also inevitable reply of ' fucked if I know but it sure as fuck wasn't an 8 foot fucking possum we decide it best to get the hell out of there quick smart before the thing decided to introduce itself .
We have absolutely know idea what it was . We know for certain what it wasn't - possum , deer , rabbit , pig or any other animal you might run into .
But we both agreed , although it looked to be standing on 2 legs it wasn't a person . To tall , wasn't wearing clothes , and was to fast and quiet when it went over the side .
Now I am not claiming that we have a bigfoot running around the bush in nelson , but after seeing that it was naturally the first thing that came to mind ..... It seemed to fit the description .
Don't know what it was and didn't see enough to make any claims as to what it could have been and freaked us out enough to we didn't stick around to find out....
But.... As a little add on to this story , a couple of years ago we were staying in a local hut attached to the same range and just as I was nodding off me and the mrs heard something that sounded remarkably like someone whacking a tree trunk with a big stick , four or five times with an even spacing of 10 seconds or so between whacks ... Just like the yanks reckon bigfoot does ..... Weird.
I had flashbacks to that night in the story....
I slept with my rifle next to me that night....
Last edited by Ftx325; 02-06-2021 at 11:48 PM.
born to hunt - forced to work
Have you ever thought about having a talk to kelvin cruckshank. Whe i was aged between about 6 and 14 i used to get a visitor regularly in my room at night the room used to go cold and youd hear something walk to the end of my bed and then feel it sit down on th end of my bed. When you looked there was nothing there used to scare the shit out of me for a start...
Well, that seemed to kill the thread off
Thanks for posting, great reading, although in some ways I wish I hadn't read it. One of the great things about NZ bush is that there pretty much isn't anything that can harm you, or so I thought.
In retrospect, what do you think it was?
A moulting Moa maybe?. Interesting stories mate and well written.
I didn't really want to tell that one as I figured it would kill the thread but others wanted to hear it so....
If the eyeshine wasn't red I would have put it down to a big deer ..... Perhaps it was and had just been chewing on someone's dope plants....
I really don't know what we saw . It's one of those things that happened so quickly you don't have time to take it all in . Maybe it was the owner of said dope plants dressed in black....
It certainly never stopped us going out bush...then or now , more often than not in a tent . But I do prefer to have a rifle handy , just in
born to hunt - forced to work
A moulting Moa maybe?. Only kidding. Interesting stories mate and well written. Waiting to read more of your experiences. I have seen min min lights, and on another occasion i saw 2 ufo,s and an adult nephew was with me and saw them too. I used to walk and hitch hike quite a bit in the 70s in W.A. A few times while walking on cold nights i have suddenly hit a warm patch that goes on for a while then suddenly cold again. Never could work out why until i was talking to an elderly Aboriginal man on a roading project about these happenings and he just said to me, "don,t wurry bout that young fulla, it,s just a spirit man goin walkabout and he wanted some company for a little while". Felt okay about it all after that and it has happened to me again a couple of times since i spoke with the old gentleman. If it ever happens to me again i am going to have a quick look around to make sure there is nobody with a white coat on and i will talk to the travelling spirit and hope i get some sort of reply or a sign.
Here's one. In dense bush, chasing goats the other day. Heard a big thump pretty damn close. It sounded like a sack of potatoes hitting the ground from head height. I looked around expecting to see a goat that had jumped out a tree, it has happened before, but nothing, no bleats or bush movement. Could have been a tree falling, but no cracking beforehand and no sound of branches hitting other foliage. Bit strange.
it gives you a bit of a start when that kind of thing happens you know its out of place and it plays on your mind for a bit.
Can get the hair standing up on the back of you neck thats for sure. Kind of get the feeling somethings watching you..