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Thread: Bad feeling

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  1. #1

    Bad feeling

    Has any one ever been out in the bush and everything been feeling good when all of a sudden you get this bad feeling. Make me wonder if its some kind of maori spiritual thing as ive asked a few maori friends and some of them have said theres certain places they cant go....any one else experianced this
    Bol Tackshin and caberslash like this.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    only when i see green carrots on the ground
    Maca49, Boaraxa, keneff and 3 others like this.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2017
    Month ago I was stalking through some real nice (by kaimai standards) bush with my dog out in front quiet as couldn't even hear any birds just the occasional bit of wind. All of a sudden moki locks up as if hes pointing so I try and spot what hes seeing but theres nothing there. 5 minutes he stayed locked up which is the longest hes ever bloody stayed still. Only turned and looked at me one then it was back onto lock. All of a sudden he bolts straight at me and gets behind me like hes hiding. Fuckin put the shits up me. Had a good look around but couldn't find any evidence of anything. Only thing I could put it down to was maybe he smelt a pig (doesnt like them ever since he chased one as a pup and got tagged) but hes never acted like that before. Spooked me out
    madmaori, Feral, Mooseman and 2 others like this.

  4. #4
    MB is online now
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    I have zero spirituality, so not really. Every once in a while something freaks me out like the time I saw a huge, gesticulating humanoid figure through my thermal about 200 metres away. Turned out to be a tree! Rationality kicks back in at some point. I'm more concerned about bumping in to the wrong type of living human than anything else.
    199p, Scouser, Chur Bay and 11 others like this.

  5. #5
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    Yes, have experienced the bad feelings. First was up Woodlands Road, Katikati, where in pulled down my just-pitched tent and buggered off. Next was in Mokaihaha reserve near Mamaku near where the two meth cooks were disposed off a couple of years ago.
    Mauser308 likes this.

  6. #6
    Last time down in whirinaki me n mrs were havin a look along a bush edge just as it was going dark. We were stalking about 10m apart after a while i noticed a bad feeling coming on didnt think much of it for a start but as we went further it got more intense. In the wnd it was to much and i turned around and we went back. I told mrs northdude about it on the drive out and she got a similar feeling and felt there was something or someone folowing and watching us just out of her vision but when she turned to look there was nothing there...

  7. #7
    MB is online now
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    If we had bears, hunting would be so much more exciting and they could control the deer population as well. Maybe I'll mention it to DOC.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Juneau, Alaska
    How many bears would you like, we could make you a good deal from Alaska. Black, brown, or white? It is interesting to wake up to see them looking in our windows or on our porch. Perhaps a few wolves for no extra charge?

  9. #9
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    I think it's an atavistic throwback, from when we relied on the forest for our food, but were acutely aware that our spear would be no defence if we were to be suddenly stomped by a woolly mammoth or devoured by a sabre toothed tiger, so it made us more aware of sudden doom, particularly when alone in those dark gloomy spots in the bush...some of us probably still have that lingering instinct.

  10. #10
    Still learning JessicaChen's Avatar
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    Yeah, when I think about work or family problems the bad feelings come . I don't really believe in the paranormal but I cannot doubt that funny things have happened from time to time. Wendigo and skinwalker stories are good fun.
    Bol Tackshin likes this.

  11. #11
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    I get that bad feeling whenever I get close to a politician or someone from IRD........
    GWH, Scouser, chainsaw and 6 others like this.

  12. #12
    Member I_does_english's Avatar
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    Study in Wellington, live in Tauranga
    My uncle told me a story a couple years back he was pig hunting with a mate (not too sure where) and the dogs took off and started bailing so they ran over... Busted out into the middle of this clearing and the dogs were in a circle bailing hard out. And inside the circle of dogs?... Nothing. The dogs were going hard, barking and snapping but there was nothing there. They got out of there pretty quick haha
    Feral, Bol Tackshin and caberslash like this.
    Check out NZ Chronicles on YouTube for New Zealand hunting, fishing and more!

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by I_does_english View Post
    My uncle told me a story a couple years back he was pig hunting with a mate (not too sure where) and the dogs took off and started bailing so they ran over... Busted out into the middle of this clearing and the dogs were in a circle bailing hard out. And inside the circle of dogs?... Nothing. The dogs were going hard, barking and snapping but there was nothing there. They got out of there pretty quick haha
    Just the one & only time something seemed outta sorts for me in the scrub.While shooting for the Forest Service in the Maungapurua Valley (Bridge To Nowhere) I was heading up valley alone for the first time on the block & when approaching the remains of the derillict Bjensimen homestead my experienced dogs shot off in front of me and had a full on bail up with a big knarly ol man Pine tree.But no tail to be had.Just thin air.Had a strange sensation breifly @ the bail up.Strangely enough when mentioning it latter on to my on the job culling mate, he said his experienced dogs did exactly the same thing when they approached the ruins for the first time some time earlier.To the best of my knowledge none of the returned servicemen Bjensimen family settlers past away on that site.Go figure
    Micky Duck and rewa like this.

  14. #14
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bluebaiter222 View Post
    Just the one & only time something seemed outta sorts for me in the scrub.While shooting for the Forest Service in the Maungapurua Valley (Bridge To Nowhere) I was heading up valley alone for the first time on the block & when approaching the remains of the derillict Bjensimen homestead my experienced dogs shot off in front of me and had a full on bail up with a big knarly ol man Pine tree.But no tail to be had.Just thin air.Had a strange sensation breifly @ the bail up.Strangely enough when mentioning it latter on to my on the job culling mate, he said his experienced dogs did exactly the same thing when they approached the ruins for the first time some time earlier.To the best of my knowledge none of the returned servicemen Bjensimen family settlers past away on that site.Go figure
    not too far away from there..in another valley slightly further downstream....friends of family were bored and started looking atthe old newspapers lining walls and laying around...article on burial grounds was found...and being young dumb and full of #%* they went for a look.....on way out driving ute across maunganui-o-te-ua river a flash flood came down,caught them midstream and they spent time sitting on roof of swamped vechile before river went down and they got out on foot ....coincidence??? maybe not.
    Dad tipped old concrete fireplace over with bulldozer and ALL our stock dogs went apeshit,,,,turns out child had died in accident in the fire many years before
    weird feelings,yeah had them a few times over the years...the foul black mood when out hunting.....I called on help from higher power and shook it off... it was like something just didnt want me to see the joy in the world....said prayer etc etc and the world suddenly looked a brighter place.... had that happen more than once over the years.
    GSP HUNTER likes this.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    I get this when coming downhill and the ground disappears below me. Many times thought I was not going to get out of this gully/ bluff/ waterfall alive. Just go slowly, look for alternative routes and be prepared to climb back the way you came.

    In the dark gloomy bush, I find I'm never scared if I have the 7mm08 in my hand (irrational I know vs sabre tooth tigers and trolls).
    A full torch and a GPS help too. Man is a tool user and they make him invincible.
    Bol Tackshin and Cordite like this.



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