Year after year, application after application, supposed random drawing, yet some NEVER get a crack, but others, with the right connections, or in some cases, the right "profile" get a crack year after year. Independent draw, overseen by SAR for instance, would allow for a review of competence of the hunting party members (and their gear) as to their ability to cope, took an Aussie up the Macauly river, mid winter a few years back, had talked the ears off me (was a relly, sigh...) about all the hard core hunting they did in Aus, fucks sake, my 13yr old son was more a more usefull switched on operator, fuck knows how these stupid Aussies cope somewhere big and tough, cold and wet, far and high....... oh that's right, they don't!
Those that require an unnecessary "rescue" should have to foot the bill, all tourists of any kind entering our country should have to take out insurance to cover rescues and medical costs- we pay out of out taxes to cover these people.