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Thread: Bloody Poachers!

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Poachers poach because they don't give a shit about the rules, are selfish and simply want to do whatever they like. If you want to lower yourself to their level, go for it.

    Because once you've convinced yourself it's ok to break the rules, chances are you'll convince yourself again another day it'll be ok. And then you'll be no better than the dickless poachers tbh.
    kokako likes this.

  2. #32
    Member el borracho's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mike H View Post
    Savage1, its only that if you get caught. I've not seen a poacher go to the cops yet.
    Friends of mine flew a copter into an area in Taupo a few years ago -Maori land it was to. They proceeded to poach before having their helicopter shot through the tail boom by two unlicensed Maori guys from close by who had walked in on a bush road .Pointing guns and threatening they took the keys to the chopper and pissed off .
    Outcome -court case in Rotorua -all the boys fined 800 dollars to donate to a charity -Maori guys zip nada ??
    My mates deserved what they got and if anything got off very lightly and probably desrved a heavier sentence

  3. #33
    R93 is offline
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    I take it, the machine was holed on the ground? If it was done while in flight and they landed I am surprised there was a court case at all.

  4. #34
    Member Savage1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by el borracho View Post
    Friends of mine flew a copter into an area in Taupo a few years ago -Maori land it was to. They proceeded to poach before having their helicopter shot through the tail boom by two unlicensed Maori guys from close by who had walked in on a bush road .Pointing guns and threatening they took the keys to the chopper and pissed off .
    Outcome -court case in Rotorua -all the boys fined 800 dollars to donate to a charity -Maori guys zip nada ??
    My mates deserved what they got and if anything got off very lightly and probably desrved a heavier sentence
    Bit of bush justice, but I find it hard to believe the Maori would have gotten off, they would have had the more serious charges!

  5. #35
    Member el borracho's Avatar
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    not a sausage ,unbelievable eh. Yes the chopper was on the ground in or near whites landing I think it s called in the Taupo area .While one of the guys was off hunting and the others around the machine or near a shot went off and the pilot Lyndsay yelled get down someone is shooting at us -the tail boom was hit .When the two guys showed themselves they threaten to burn the chopper and my cowardly friends gave the keys up .A walk out and trip to the cops and a few hours later they had the keys .
    Now I say my cowardly friends because they would all be saying if this happened to someone else the macho bullshit about not surrendering anything would flow like the runs and when it came to the crunch shat themselves and gave the Keys up.This happened around 12-13 years ago
    Last edited by el borracho; 24-07-2012 at 09:25 PM.

  6. #36
    Member NZHTR's Avatar
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    I dont read Maori ,i just read pissed off land owners ,caught poachers hunting on there land shoot's a hole in there heli and tells them hands up boy's! taking there key's leaving the arse holes to walk out .:

    The Heli wouldn't happin to have been a blue and sliver 500 ???
    distant stalker likes this.

  7. #37
    Member el borracho's Avatar
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    I don't know he colour but probably came out of Ardmore in Auckland , 5 guys in it

  8. #38
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    I no of one of the guys invovled in this incident. Not so sure about the being unlicensed bit. However i do no the land that the helicopter was poaching on is quite obvious its private land. Just because its bush or forest people assume its free pickings. Think of it this way. I shoot your cat or dog on your property (both can be found as wild animals) and you catch me doing it. What are you going to do? Not much different to whats gone down here IMO.

  9. #39
    Member el borracho's Avatar
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    I agree!

  10. #40
    Member Savage1's Avatar
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    Bugger that, No excuse for using a firearm like that. What if the chopper occupants stood their ground? I would have had the firearms licences revoked from all of them. That is pretty serious pointing a gun at someone and threatening, not to mention firing it at the helicopter with people in it! These are the kind of cowboys that give the rest of us a bad name. The occupants would have had a defence if they turned and shot the guys!

  11. #41
    Member el borracho's Avatar
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    the guys were around the copter not in it .One of the 2 guys who shot also hit one of the boys in the chest with his rifle .
    Hey at the end of the day my friends should not have been there period! The pilot is lucky not to have his license suspended -dont know if they do that .I cant understand why the other guys didn't get done though ??

  12. #42
    Member NZHTR's Avatar
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    Givin that there's two sides to a story, may be the two land owners events differed form the pouches , and thats what the judge ruled on , some version's can get changed as time goes on to suite one side or the other.
    Savage1 likes this.

  13. #43
    Member el borracho's Avatar
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    To true !

  14. #44
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    poach his wife hahah. rookie poachers parking near the scene of the 'alleged' crime....

  15. #45
    Member JoshC's Avatar
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    Poaching is rife in this area. Trucks parked in suspicious places all the time. It is time someone cracks down on them. The local cop is a keen hunter and totally against poaching. His effort to stop it will be noticed around the community in due course, just hope noone gets hurt, or worse, shot in the meantime.



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