Sorry, theres people on one side of the fence and people on the other. Its pointless trying to argue the point of your view compared to the other view you dont believe as you not going to change either sides view. You say the "1080 gravy train "is B/S.
Many on the other side would say you in total dreamland if you believe that.
So you think water quality is a bigger issue than tons of toxic poison thats banned in most of the world being dropped around the countryside willy nilly .
Well, did you think tons of 1080 being dropped in streams and rivers , dead animals lying in streams and rivers, the by kill of trout that eat 1080 mice, eels, the fresh water crayfish and who knows what else that die from 1080 or get 1080 poisoning isnt a factor in poor water quality as well??
Do we actually know what the long term effect of 1080 is actually going to do to the countryside and living things in it., do we know if the insects that eat dead matter on 1080 animals and then get eaten by birds is having a impact on bird numbers, or breeding?
The answer is NO, but one thing is for sure, it isnt actually going to be good and we can all agree on that.
I could go on, but heres the thing, you in one camp or the other.
Both feel strongly that the other sides view is ridiculous. B/S in actually fact, and nothings going to change that. So, you believe what you like, i believe what i like , you know im wrong, i KNOW you wrong, thats life
