Pensas sika.
Pensas sika.
Experience. What you get just after you needed it.
Yea I havnt felt the need to chop any of my rifles just so I can take it in the bush other than a 22lr possum gun that had a rusted out muzzle
Why not one of the fast twist 223s, plenty of energy in close, ability to place shots very precisely through trees etc.
Now tell me all your first hand "I shot a deer through a 3" tree with my great big gun" stories . . .
I shot a tree with my meduim gun. Needed a quick follow up shot as well![]()
Yet, it is kiwi reviving the concept and making probably one of the best reproduction currently available worldwide:
Actually when you think about it. They aren't reproductions as such.they are genuine NEW builds...Afterall the components are the same,the action and stock are for most part the same as originals were made from. Frankenstein rifles back then so no more so now lol
75/15/10 black powder matters
Here's mine, 18inch Remington 700 "mountain rifle", ironic I cut it shorter and don't regret it one bit. Same overall length as a 16inch tikka (being a short action vs a long action).
Is a 7mm08 but won't matter one bit. I just use anything through it, 120 PPU for awhile, Belmont 139sst, used blue box federal for awhile. Now I'm into 120gr sierras that I just got a load close enough and found the 120gr PPU to be awesome so just mimicking that with low recoil. Have also had it on the tops ironically aswell
Been using my marlin 336w 30-30 with a 4x12 scope and Hornady subsonics for a couple of years with success out to 80 metres +
Have just put a red dot sight on and will be down at the range on Monday to sight it in then off for a weekend stroll
A bush pig is usually the wild version of a domstic pig that usually lives in the bush
And then back a bit there was the ‘scout rifle’![]()
‘Many of my bullets have died in vain’
Yea werent they a short rifle large mag capacity mil rifle desighned by some cournel or something
NZ guns did an article on converting a sako into a Scout Rifle years ago. The main idea of the scout rifle is to be the most versatile rifle possible.
Some of the qualifications being Weight less than 3kg, Length less than 1 meter. Accuracy of more than 2moa, able to kill an animal of up to 1000kg at range which the user can shoot accurately. I think the large mag thing only started with the Ruger Gunsite Scouts.
Jeff Cooper was the man who got the concept going.
Pretty sure a certain tinkerer of things gun and black powder ,who lives a couple of hours north of me will have something's older than any Winchester lever that would fit criteria if you accept open sights...
75/15/10 black powder matters