See, this is a problem with new shooters. Starting of with bigger Cals because you think you need more knockdown power to help with a few cock ups etc etc. What happens is a couple of things in my opinion. Firstly, recoil can cause flinches, and secondly because the new shooter thinks they have some fire power shot placement isnt the end all. Results in missed and wounded game.
Like i already stated, a 223 or 243 is the best start you going to get. Little to no recoil, can hold it light like a 22 and they accruate.. Put those crosshairs on the exact spot, get in range to do the job and you going to have no fuck ups and dead anaimals.
Then after you become a marks man, and rack up game move up to longer range shooting and bigger Cals. Mastering the basics with the lighter CALs will have you suss for the Bigger Cals. We all started with .22, just seems natural way to go is go to a 223, 243 and learn shot placement then move up as shot placement is everything, including with the big boys