On the bottom of every permit I've ever had. But also found it on the website
And here's the link
Permit conditions: Permits and licences
On the bottom of every permit I've ever had. But also found it on the website
And here's the link
Permit conditions: Permits and licences
A guy asked me on Sunday what gun he should get when he upgrades his 233 for his son, he was thinking .243. As luck would have it I brought my 6.5 with me, he only took one shot and seemed rather happy about it. Can almost grantee his son will likely have a 6.5x55 in the future
My first rifle was a 300win mag, have used a 7.62x54r, 30cal m1, 7.62x39 and have to say the .303 is my favorite, nice calibre with good knock down power but nice recoil and not too big.
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