No we are not lazier. Some are.
I don't bash or bury anymore except excrement. Carry it out.
My bug bear is the white carnation, well the Ms calls em that, dunny paper where a chic dripped. Always in the most pristine place.
So a study was done here in WA, would cost less to put up free skip bins than deal with the cleanup of all the dumped tyres, TV washing machines etc.
That used to really piss me off when i was in WA, often i would pull into a parking bay off the highway in my truck and find some lazy plonka has just taken a dump right beside there vehicle and driven off FFS!!, with no attempt to bury it, and there's a zillion acres of bush all around them to go take a dump!!
Yep, see it all the time in one area abt 20km from town where I hunt. Always take a small garbage bag now. I think the trail bike riders are the worst.
Hunt safe, look after the bush & plug more pests.The greatest invention in the history of man is beer.
A bit more bang is better.
I went for a walk this morning. Sitting at a nice lookout and as it got light I noticed lolly wrappers and the likes. Then sitting among the rubbish was a flash looking vape gadget. I presume it's flash but I know nothing about them. I'd like to think that will teach them. But it probably won't.
Overkill is still dead.
Was checking out a new area recently and one thing that i noticed, was the absence of trash or other human sign. Sadly I guess it becomes noteworthy when you dont see it.
Even that was lazy really. I used to do that in the early days too. After a few years I started to think about it and next time I was up at my camp site I dug up all my old trash and took it out. Combined it might have weight a couple of kg and I remember thinking then how it would have added nothing too my weight if I had of taken it out each time I was there.
Nowadays this issue / problem seems widespread. It bothers me to think this is what we Kiwis have become. Uncaring, irresponsible, selfish folks who think it's OK to just dump trash anywhere they like. Not absolutely everybody of course, but many. In my own neighbourhood I've noticed it worsening probably over the last 20 years. For pleasure and fitness I walk certain circuits around my town, Pukekohe. Anywhere from 10 to 20 km generally. When I started these walks litter was a fairly minor problem and not that noticeable. In contrast today one would have to be totally blind to miss seeing the volume of discarded rubbish everywhere. When I walk now I'm practically tripping over crap every few steps. Typically, fast food wrappings / containers ( KFC, McDonalds ), beer / liquor bottles, bottle caps, plastic soft drink / water bottles, rubbish sacks of household garbage, unwanted clothing / shoes, car parts and even items of furniture. Automotive fluids containers, and it goes on. Much of this lines roadsides or is left in roadside drains and obviously the folks doing the dumping are doing so from moving vehicles or stopping briefly to dump stuff adjacent before driving off. What astounds me in certain locations is rubbish carelessly discarded within 50 metres of council supplied rubbish containers. Folks are so lazy they can't even walk that distance to do the right thing. I know other people are as disgusted as I am. In some streets I see mainly senior citizens voluntarily walking stretches of road collecting and bagging the more obvious litter just to tidy the place up.
I don't know what the solution is to this problem. I believe much of it is attitudinal and laziness a large contributor. I simply can't believe those responsible think this sort of behaviour is OK. Unfortunately, as noted by previous posters above, the problem is also evident in our wild, backcountry lands, the absolute last place any of us should expect to find this ugly plague.
I have noticed its got worse since the local council jacked up the dump fees.
Green waste is now over $100 per trailer load (with greedy sides) and its amost cheaper to take it to the waste transfer station with your other rubbish
80l wheelie bin has gone up to $280 per year (weekly empties) and will increase next year.
So its not surprising now when I run into scenes like this when out walking dog this morning (10km from down down a riverbed track). Then there were the old Brinks chicken boxes (obviously from a pighunter full of ofal, bones and plastic wrapping etc and lying ontop of a whole Pig (wild). WTF dirty F$%Kers
Trust the dog.........................................ALWAYS Trust the dog!!