You might get a kick out of this Hunters Club ep Timberdoodle -
Here's some links to a few of our other alpine early missions
You might get a kick out of this Hunters Club ep Timberdoodle -
Here's some links to a few of our other alpine early missions
Just to cover your top priority about coming home safely, I would second one of the above comments about not going alone. Both the terrain and the weather can be extremely wild down there and it doesn't take much to go wrong, most NZ hunters wouldn't do a trip like that solo so I'd say someone hunting here for the first time definitely shouldn't. Either way you should hire a PLB for your trip
Second that above, contact a heli operation on both sides of the mountains and have a chat with them about were they can put you for your east west split weather wise.
I don't know which areas they can and cann't access outside of the ballot season.
Re tents, I would be staying with something 4 seaon capable as 90 kph gusts are nothing down there. But small enough that you can up sticks and move.
Something like this is a popular local tent. Not the lightest but you need something with a little strength, it's weakness would be sagging under snow loading in still weather.
If the weather packs in and your pilot is not able to pick you up, you may need to drop down into the bush to get some shelter.
A Garmin in reach is handy here if the piot wants to bring you out early or you have moved.
Last edited by ZQLewis; 07-03-2024 at 08:33 PM.