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Thread: DOC hunting permit site - working?

  1. #16
    Member 199p's Avatar
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    Palmerston North
    Quote Originally Posted by Toby View Post
    Should suggest they make an app for the phone where you can have an electronic pemit
    I just download it to my fone, and fold up the printed version and keep it in a plastic bag.
    Its good for starting fires lol
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  2. #17
    Member Dundee's Avatar
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    Got my permit just had we look at maps and a quick search of the forum but can't find the map thread.

    Is there any way too print off just one grid on the doc map?
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  3. #18
    Member outinabout's Avatar
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    The online system is really cool and saves a heap of time. BUT I had a permit to hunt the Mt William area in Auckland, I never saw another hunter on any of my trips there but DOC closed the hunting area altogether because they had issued an amazing amount of permits online and got nervous all of a sudden because it is a relatively small area. I bet that 80% of the permit holders had never even been there.The system is so easy i can see it being tempting for some to get a permits for all areas. I just hope no more smaller areas get closed for similar reasons.
    Hey diddle diddle, aim for the middle.

  4. #19
    Almost literate. veitnamcam's Avatar
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    The new system is gay.
    I liked the old wax card one. My printer never had any ink and now it has no cable so might as well wheeli bin it.

    The only time i have been asked is when asking for permission to cross private property to hunt public land and i had the wax card in my bum bag to show him. I guess the owner figured if i had bothered to get a permit i might actually be goin to hunt the doc managed land not his.
    "Hunting and fishing" fucking over licenced firearms owners since ages ago.

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