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Thread: Doc Tahr cull figures

  1. #31
    Member stingray's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    They grew from 6 to a herd...governments change, and so does the voice that directs them, we are in a sequence of green and return NZ to the garden of Eden .

    The bell tolls for the greens. Their day is coming to an end, the country cannot afford their ideals.

    Long live the Tahr!

    Personally and I expect people already are , but video hunters need to show that they are harvesting meat animals rather than days of climbing and hunting for a for a trophy bull.

    Perhaps a summer trip of meat hunting, showing they are willing and how to harvest and use this resource...the more we provide evidence of animal control with out DOC culling the better or position to appose it.
    Last edited by stingray; 13-08-2021 at 07:37 PM.
    Nil durum volenti !!



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