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Thread: Does gunshot clear a area in the bush

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Oct 2018
    One night some young drunks were flying around spotlighting in their loud ass truck, It went silent as anything for the next 24hrs, barely a peep from a bird. The night before we had deer at the tent and birds carrying on 24/7. I don’t think they shot at anything but I’m pretty sure they scared off anything and everything within the area.
    Earlier last year we were getting ready to head out in the afternoon after seeing some promising sign. About 20 shots were fired off in 10mins about a KM away. The bush went dead silent, nothing to be seen or heard for the next 2 days. Someone further up the bush fired off a shot a couple mins after so I’m not sure if whatever was spooked from the trigger happy fello had headed his way.
    308 and Moa Hunter like this.

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Jul 2016
    Thanks for the reply's guys/girls. My plan is /was just carry on I may be lucky.

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Aug 2019
    One suppressed shot does nothing to the deer near by. They probably think it was a branch coming down. I never rush after a shot and just sit tight and wait for 15minutes. Had plenty of second encounters, especially on clearings or well used game trails.
    Fire a couple of shots - different story...

  4. #19
    sneakywaza I got
    Join Date
    May 2013
    No set pattern of behavior, lots of variables, Tuesday was stalking 3 spikers in a gully, when I finally got the shot I wanted ,I had had eyes on all 3 for a couple of hrs, all in exactly the same chilled out mooching mood, stayed in cover and watched after the shot (range about 80yds no suppressor) - spiker 1 went down, spiker 2 took the express out of town, spiker 3 wandered about trying to figure out what was going on, climbed the bank opposite me and only headed off up the hill after he decided he wasn't sure about the two legged thing on the other bank videoing him, even then he kept stopping to have another look. Anything up to 5 mins after the shot I could have got spiker 3. As it happens he was the one already selected as the don't shoot animal because to me he looked like the one that was going to be good in a year or 4.
    308 and Micky Duck like this.

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    I once spooked a stag in the bush and then about 200m further shot a young stag. After taking back legs off the deer and about to start on back steaks I hear a stick break and look up to watch another young stag walking past without a care. Managed to get my phone out and take a couple of photos before he wandered away casually.

  6. #21
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Everydays a different day, in open country I've found they will often run further but in the Bush I don't think it matters much. I've had it where we shot 3 sika all about 500m apart within the same day. Also shot a few different stags and then roared another right upto me.



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