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Thread: Dogs where dogs shouldn't be..

  1. #16
    Join Date
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    Stewart island / canterbury
    Quote Originally Posted by kidmac42 View Post
    As a side note, I've heard the kiwi aversion training uses shock collars on the dog.
    Is this correct?
    Guess it depends on the course, down here they used to but now use a feathery 'hat' with electrodes sticking out of it

  2. #17
    Gone................. mikee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kidmac42 View Post
    As a side note, I've heard the kiwi aversion training uses shock collars on the dog.
    Is this correct?

  3. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by kidmac42 View Post
    As a side note, I've heard the kiwi aversion training uses shock collars on the dog.
    Is this correct?
    Depends on the trainer. Some of the doc staff trainers do, and they put a reasonable boot into it. But others just use vibration.

  4. #19
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
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    Doc land without KIWI....why ever not????
    there are large parts of south island land controlled by Doc where there is no reason dogs shouldnt be allowed...I had robust discussion with DOC about it 30 years ago as trampers often had dogs with them...reply was doc cant do anything about tramper with dog...but could revoke permit for hunter....
    I dont hunt tracks or hunt near huts so dog is of zero impact on another person...always within 50 yards of me,noramlly within 10 yards.
    there are a lot of areas close by where I wont take dog..too many people and its not allowed....
    a quiet word in ear of Doc staff at local office isnt a bad idea if there is somewhere you often hunt and want to take your dog...you might get the ok...or not.

  5. #20
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    And if they do allow dogs, they must be on a leash. (No kiwi in that area)
    Might as well take my dog to the local dog park or walk around the block a couple of times.
    Last edited by Allizdog; 02-10-2021 at 05:13 PM.

  6. #21
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Allizdog View Post
    And if they do allow dogs, they must be on a leash. (No kiwi in that area)
    Might as well take my dog to the local dog park or walk around the block a couple of times.
    actually that restriction wouldnt worry me in slightest....IF IT WAS ENFORCED ACROSS BOARD.....
    rules out pig hunting which would be bummer but that only in areas its allowed anyway....
    hunting with dog at my heels means she isnt leading me,but can still indicate when something is near and lead me to something Ive shot.tommorrow Im going out after wallabies and she will be doing just that....staying at heel most of day,may even be on lead if she gets too excited by proceedings.

    the attitude that doc ranger cant control trampers dogs all those years ago was wrong...maybe times have changed for better.we could always done dark sunnies and carry white cane??
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  7. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Micky Duck View Post
    we could always done dark sunnies and carry white cane??
    Probably shouldn't have the rifle then..... My dog gets used primarily for finding animals after they have been shot. They don't have to go far on the island to be bloody hard to find I the crown fern
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  8. #23
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
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    oh that plurry crown fern...place we normally hunt is covered in it...waist high or more in places,and the wasps just love to zap your arse n legs from under cover of the fronds.....didnt realise dogs could be on island...must look into that..... hmmmm I might just make a trip down there sometime some how....

  9. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Micky Duck View Post
    .....didnt realise dogs could be on island...must look into that....
    Not allowed on the national park (most of the island even with kiwi eversion) allowed around the village on lead and the beaches, there are a couple of walks where you can stretch there legs but it is pretty limited. Good idea to get your dog kiwi trained if you plan on bringing one over as they are all around the village
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  10. #25
    Member kidmac42's Avatar
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    Cheers guys.
    Ya can't park there mate.

  11. #26
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    Where did you see that they aren't allowed dogs in this block? I have hunted this block countless times and taken my dog every time. there is a sign on the gate at the car park saying no dogs. but that is only on the farm which the access easement runs through? the doc website also says dogs are allowed into this block. Can you link me to where you saw the no dogs thing? cheers

  12. #27
    jim is offline
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    If its the valley I think it is....DOC website says "limited Dogs" not NO Dogs.

  13. #28
    Full of shit Ryan_Songhurst's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wanakahunter View Post
    Where did you see that they aren't allowed dogs in this block? I have hunted this block countless times and taken my dog every time. there is a sign on the gate at the car park saying no dogs. but that is only on the farm which the access easement runs through? the doc website also says dogs are allowed into this block. Can you link me to where you saw the no dogs thing? cheers
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  14. #29
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    Not sure if they were allowed into the area or not but when I walked to McLean Falls ( Catlins) I found two women with a dog each right at the falls, on a leash mind you except when one wanted to take a photo of her dog with the falls as a backdrop. (Said dog looked sad, maybe it was the green bandana it was wearing!)
    Then when I walked back to the carpark there was a family with a dog all set to walk to the falls.

    First time I’ve seen this and I guess as I didn’t see a No Dogs sign at the carpark it must be OK?
    ‘Many of my bullets have died in vain’

  15. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan_Songhurst View Post
    must have changed, When i first started hunting this block i called doc in twizel and they told me its fine as long as i contact the station owner and get permission for crossing the easement. I took that as good to go. either it has changed or the doc ranger i spoke to had no clue. also the owner of the station said yeah good as gold! like it was all good. looks like i wont be hunting in there again with the dog.

    to your original point of this post. it does piss me off when people blatantly flout the rules with their dogs. if it is a genuine case of the rules weren't clear enough then there is going to be exceptions. like the example i have given about doc telling me one thing and the rules actually being different (or changed)
    Last edited by wanakahunter; 04-10-2021 at 04:47 PM.



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