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Thread: Dogs where dogs shouldn't be..

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Dec 2017
    North Canterbury
    Here to play devil's advocate. I haven't broken any rules with my pup but I do find the dog restrictions in the South pretty stupid. In the North Island lots of kiwi blocks are able to be hunted with dogs if you go through the correct aversion training with frequency. But down south there seems to be absolutely no reason to bother with kiwi aversion training as it doesn't help you access any blocks. I understand limiting access where farm easements are the only access but it's does seem silly.

    I never noticed how bad it was until I got the the pup and went to get her permits and a huge percentage of North Canterbury and the coast is no dogs. If you want to hunt the divide everything from Lewis Pass to Arthur's is out. I have seen dogs in places they aren't allowed but personally I'm not phased if they are under control (the guys I talked too had kiwi aversion trained before they took their dog out) and are smart about things. I know the Duleys talked about trying to improve dog access down south after they mistakenly took dogs in on an episode thinking they were covered with kiwi aversion.
    stug likes this.



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