The funniest thing with the animal lovers and vegies is when you ask them to explain where the leather came from that their hand bag and shoes they are wearing came from
[QUOTE=Scouser;385126]Yes, last year I posted a hunting diary on the old fish n hunt forum and on that thread I posed a pick of everything I shot that year. I did this because I know my mates on the forum wanted to see the pics and share the experiance and also when I shoot a bunch of gooses I am proud and want to share because gooses are hard to shoot.
I didn't bother this year because fish n hunt forum has gone to shit but thats the only reason.
At the same time as all this is happening we are fishing bluefin tuna, a huge unique and magnificant creature, into extinsion because someone can make money by selling them in cans and we all like sushi.
The outrage over Cecil the lion is an emotional reaction not a logical one.
The "holier than thou" attitude of some vegetarians is what really peeves me off - whatever happened to "live and let...hunt?"
It is always interesting to point out hypocrisy - a vegetarian will spout on about animal feelings and how they feel pain....I would hasten to point out the below:
If you leave a potato in the dark, or even plant it, the potato will grow....This tells us that it is ALIVE!!! Yet we peel it (alive), and boil it to death and proceed to eat it...
This is where the vegetarian points out that plants have no do we know? (example below):
Acacia trees in Africa are a favourite food of elephants, yet when one is being eaten, it releases a stress pheromone to advise other acacia trees nearby to release a chemical into their sap which makes them taste bitter to elephants (thus saving them from being eaten...alive). From this, we can conclude that the acacia trees experience pain, or at the very least, a desire to live.
Who's to say that the chemical onions release (that affects our eyes) isn't in response to being cut up (alive) or feeling pain?
We are the product of evolution. Our brains have evolved and increased in size due to the consumption of animal fats (arguable that some people's brains are not evolved). To deny this, is to deny human nature and biology (and the nature of primates), the teeth and eye position has already been mentioned in a post above. If someone is capable of denying their very nature and origin, then it is plain that they are of another, lesser species and should not be so indignant when this is pointed out.
Shit Nickoli that's deep even for this forum!![]()
Boom, cough,cough,cough
Reality is cute one day beef calf below
Three years down the track a freezer full of prime beef cuts
"Thats not a knife, this is a knife"
Rule 2: Always point firearms in a safe direction
tps:// wn+to+Gamebird+Season+2018&font=cursive
Just another philosophical Saturday night at home when I should be hunting...
Cows are a very clever way of making grass edible.
That one is too close to home for them. The crims that commit the crimes aren't cute, and what probably says more about the "vegetarian brigade" (for want of a better term) is that they find a lion in Africa more deserving of sympathy than an Indian dairy owner and father, or toddlers from poorer families right here at home. Killing an old Lion gets them upset, yet the death of innocent people and children here in their own back yards does not rate a mention. What does that say about the complainers?