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Thread: Female hunters

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Oct 2021
    Broken Hill
    It's probably just being more accepted and easier to share on social media, that in turn might bring more out of the woodwork or encourage more women to try.
    Also with more equipment being marketed toward women it might make them feel more a part of it.
    veitnamcam and Moa Hunter like this.

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    Stratford, Taranaki
    @JessicaChen I think you're right.

    As an aside; I've had another 4 ladies ask me to take them hunting. Two to actually hunt and harvest animals for food; the other 2 just to see what it is like. The common denominator with them all is that they asked me because they hate the often shown "macho attitude" that does rear it's head in hunting (something I hate too); very similar to the macho rugby etc culture. It's a shame because most hunters show respect to game etc, but they have seen and heard the ones getting off on the kills and the number of kills etc. All four LOVE NZ Hunter Adventures, due to the ethics they purvey. Which is a good sign if you ask me. Cheers
    JessicaChen, Moa Hunter and MB like this.

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    Stratford, Taranaki
    Quote Originally Posted by 7mmwsm View Post
    Sorry Bumblefoot. It wasn't a direct shot at you. Just a generalisation. Most people make a big deal about female hunters when they are successful.
    Humans are about the only species which the male does most of the hunting.
    @7mmwsm All good!
    7mmwsm likes this.



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