George river period 2. Any advice appreciated cheers!
George river period 2. Any advice appreciated cheers!
Managed to get white water 1st period if any one can help on what routes around the block the block they took . Have had the natives if anyone is looking for any info
Hi all,
Have hunted elk in the western US during the rut for years. First time hunting wapati NZ. Assuming there is some red deer genetics in the herds so wondering if those who know could pontificate on the similarities/differences between your wapati and Rocky mtn vs Rosies. For example, do the bugles and cow calls sound similar to western US elk or is there some deer sound to them? Do the bush wapati behave more like Rosies where you can often bump them and they won't run into the next time zone like Rocky mtn elk. Any thoughts appreciated.
Ya better do lots of training, lots.
"A peculiar virtue in wildlife ethics is that the hunter ordinarily has no gallery to applaud or disapprove of his conduct. Whatever his acts, they are dictated by his conscience, rather than by a mob of onlookers. It is difficult to exaggerate the importance of this fact " - Aldo Leopold
Lots of red blood, sound can vary a lot from pretty pure bugle to a weird mix often starting in a roar and ending in a scream. They will certainly disappear into the next time zone if you bump them. Numbers are very low and terrain is very hard, certainly not in herds like America. Haven’t personally heard a cow call in Fiordland
Even if you can’t buggle properly, a normal roaring horn and normal red sound will trigger some interest… if you are there during the right period.
And a hind call will still be a plus to master as well.
Got Charles block 1st period. Looks like there are some good options on the topo maps but bugger all info about the block online.
Got 1 from 1.................... i filled a "Team" with a lad from Melbourne........ we are on bbabbbeeyyyyy
first period too
Stoked to get Wild Natives 2nd period. Wondering people's opinions/ experience walking in through edith/ glaisnock through oilskin pass to overhead cone rather than the usual bligh sound up tarnagan route.
Last edited by CJD; 10-11-2023 at 09:50 PM.
I've walked edith/ glaisnock to oilskin pass and its a reasonable track but you'll spend a day or more just getting to your Wild Natives boundary. I assume you can fly into the head of Blight Sound, which would be better than a long walk I'd say.
Thanks for your thoughts CB. Have been in edith a couple times - agree its a fair chunk of time, would be a massive day to make edith saddle in one go. But then thinking I would then have a whole week to hunt along the natives/george boundary ridge to overhead cone before dropping down for a bligh sound pickup.