..I will say this ,after tracking moose ,knowing and seeing the environment they like to live in ,and as big as the bassturds are,we never tracked them into steep country ever,they dont like steep ,rugged country ….they can be very clumsy and dont like to work to hard for their tucker….and unless its a mother and calf they can be fairly docile ….until say about 10 metres!!!
Have seen Moose on all three hunting trips done in British Columbia. Sure, most were seen in the lower country, close to streams, rivers and lakes, as expected. But we found Moose sign just about anywhere and everywhere. Most of the terrain we hunted wasn't steep and rugged, at least not in the NZ sense, but quite a bit of it is high country, by which I mean a long walk up from the lower country. Saw only a couple of Moose up there at different times but tracks, droppings and cast antlers were seen regularly. They get around and don't avoid high country in their travels.