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Thread: Fiordland Wapiti Bugle '13 - Bull shot?

  1. #16
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    there is a tread in the other forum where they explain the the hunt and why they took it.

  2. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by R93 View Post
    Never shot a wild one and never will in NZ.
    Thats not a wap, its a hybrid. I wouldn't have shot that one either.
    I have no interest in hybrids.
    I have no interest in shooting 10 pointers either.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk. So please forgive my sausage fingers!!!
    Yep cant say the "wapiti" get me that excited either.

    Each to their own tho, im sure some very small 10 and 8 point waps come out of the blocks every year and its just a pity that when someone does get a decent looking beast they still get abused

  3. #18
    Member Raging Bull's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PerazziSC3 View Post
    Yep cant say the "wapiti" get me that excited either.

    Each to their own tho, im sure some very small 10 and 8 point waps come out of the blocks every year and its just a pity that when someone does get a decent looking beast they still get abused

    From what I read on the other forum, unofficially he measured 42x42 with 11pts.

    Such majestic animals.
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  4. #19
    R93 is offline
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    Didn't abuse anyone. I merely gave an opinion, on what a waste I thought it was as a trophy, being a trophy hunter myself.
    42 x 42 is red deer size.
    Left another year or 2 it would most likely have been a record book head but now it's just a dead 10 point cross.
    If you can't see the waste in that, then you will be happy with anything.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk. So please forgive my sausage fingers!!!
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  5. #20
    Member Timmay's Avatar
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    Whay is with the butt hurt you see about shooting something that isnt 45"?
    If itbwas me and that was going to be the only ever hunt in my life down there I would titipp it over too.
    Dundee and Toby like this.

  6. #21
    Member Raging Bull's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by R93 View Post
    Didn't abuse anyone. I merely gave an opinion, on what a waste I thought it was as a trophy, being a trophy hunter myself.
    42 x 42 is red deer size.
    Left another year or 2 it would most likely have been a record book head but now it's just a dead 10 point cross.
    If you can't see the waste in that, then you will be happy with anything.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk. So please forgive my sausage fingers!!!
    No worries. I understand where your coming from.

    I'm not a trophy hunter (but I have my own benchmark for a Sambar stag). I think thats is a pretty decent head, certainly a majestic animal, not far off the FWF benchmark 45".

    Personal preference.
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  7. #22
    R93 is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Raging Bull View Post
    No worries. I understand where your coming from.

    I'm not a trophy hunter (but I have my own benchmark for a Sambar stag). I think thats is a pretty decent head, certainly a majestic animal, not far off the FWF benchmark 45".

    Personal preference.
    Yup, it is personal preference.
    I wasn't bagging the hunter just the what to me is a waste of a potential record book animal.
    Something FWF have been working hard for.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk. So please forgive my sausage fingers!!!
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  8. #23
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    I can take you a record book head no worries 93, bring the cheque book.
    baldbob and tui_man2 like this.

  9. #24
    R93 is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wirehunt View Post
    I can take you a record book head no worries 93, bring the cheque book.
    Ha Ha I bet you could. I know enough people where I could get a discount so we might have to haggle.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk. So please forgive my sausage fingers!!!
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  10. #25
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    it was an impressive looking animal. Hard decision I think but i'd have been looking for 12 points, i'm sure the hunter is very happy with it though

  11. #26
    R93 is offline
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    If I had the influence, I would shut the ballot areas for 3-4 yrs and only allow selective waro. I would also have fines or banning imposed on hunters who took young, substandard animals in future.
    The expense and chance of hunting in fiordland, is not an excuse to justify shooting non trophy animals. It is not for meat hunters. They are standards/rules set by FWF.
    People just seem happy to ignore them and have to kill something to be the man? Some people on this forum find it acceptable too overlook FWF rules but God help anyone with a bolt or magazine in their rifle, while in a vehicle, for example

    IMO, it is simply lack of experience, poor ethics and hunter attitude that make the area less and less likely to produce what the FWF are trying to achieve, if shooting for the sake of having something to show for a trip continues.
    It is clear to me that, that attitude was not evident in taking the animal in the OP. Maybe just a lack of experience/judgement on size I reckon.
    The animal, is on reflection, better than anything taken out of the ballot areas for a while but I have seen 5-6 red heads (uninfluenced by outside genetics) taken in the last few years in South Westland/Otago that will score way better. That is clearly not supposed to be the norm when comparing wap/cross and red trophies, is it?

    This is proof to me that the Game council and its attempt at managment will/would be a huge waste of time.
    7mmsaum and HUNTY like this.
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  12. #27
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    I agree with R93. The only way to forward is to reduce the opportunities, for an extended period of time to allow the herd to develop.
    I know of a 9 point bugling Wap that was shot by some North Island hunters. They were wrapped. But what is the point in a 9 pt Wap?
    The Wap area are not meat hunts!!!
    There was also a big 10 Wap shot in upper Glaisnock 2 period, a fantastic 12 Red shot by same party, truly a trophy head, well over 300DS. Both taken by Southland hunters. Same thing applies, that the 10 while impressive, is not a trophy. And as such over time the hunter will probably reflect on that.

    The issue with the Selective WARO is there has been some interesting calls made at the rock face on what to shoot and what not to. Large mature Wap cows for example.

    Anyhows, as long as over 300 hunters PA get balloted access into FNP, large numbers of trophy potential animals will be shot before there time.

    The other option would be to re introduce new true Wap genetics into the herd. But that will never happen.

  13. #28
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    I feel a bit ignorant now

  14. #29
    Member Looseunit's Avatar
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    Beaut head , i have been down 4 times now and yet to find a trophy to bring home , preferring to video animals .
    I have no problem with the head going to a disserving hunter , i would be tempted myself , my problem is those that go down a shoot every animal they see .
    I'm sure there will be a report or two this year of such episodes taking place . Justifing your actions because they are Reds doesnt cut it with me , some blocks are just Red dominant because of the geographic location and if Wap's havent made thier presense felt in these areas in the last 108 years then they probabily wont until DOC allow the release or redistribution of animals within the blocks . Shooting every Red because you can is a waste , that 10 could be someones trouphy 12 in a year or two , Reds arent inferior just a different species and we should treat them as potential trophies in these bordering blocks. Fiordland is a special area and shouldnt be treated like a shooting gallery for your holiday. Its not a numbers game .

  15. #30
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    Are there still captive fiordland waps living in a paddock down fiordland ??

    They were meant to be released back into their habitat weren't they ???

    The trophy breeding stags in fiordland need protecting, huge orange radio collars, and a $50,000 fine if they get shot.

    Then most hinds would have trophy bloodlines in their young, every year !!!

    It seems that even now all the best stags are just getting killed as ego fuel, with little thought of letting them breed, so every year the trophy potential declines.

    A farmer wanting to improve his herd would never kill his best bulls every year.

    Is anyone managing the wapiti ?????
    Timmay and Summit like this.
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