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Thread: First time New Zealand hunting - August / September

  1. #16
    Member Richie's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2013
    North Canterbury
    Hi Chenin, there is a public night at the local hand-loaders association range every tuesday night near the international airport $15 per shooter. Range only goes out to 75m though but it is a start. The Deerstalkers assn open their range (right next door) one saturday per month dates can be found here: NZDA North Canterbury Homepage then click on public events- $20 per non member. You can sight in to 200m there.
    I have a couple of contacts in smaller firearms shops in ChCh so can probably find you a cheaper T3 setup than at Gun city. (Good choice with the T3 lite i have one in 7mm08). Feel free to PM me. Cheers, Richie.



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