So use deer repellent on every bit of that green shit then - oh wait they dont and never will because of the dangers of possumsand the benefit of its decimating all the deer and everything else it affects
So use deer repellent on every bit of that green shit then - oh wait they dont and never will because of the dangers of possumsand the benefit of its decimating all the deer and everything else it affects
Good write up in today’s ODT on this matter.
‘Many of my bullets have died in vain’
They do awesome work in regard's to the whio recovery and stoat traps and have always rebaited the boxes where needed and cleared rats / stoats as needed while out there hunting but that's where the respect ends
why do we need the sika foundation to control anything they aren't the wapiti herd with Fiordland's location limitations etc,
what if they turn kaimanawa, kawekas's into ballot block during the roar to help grow more/bigger stags something an ex DOC clown would do(my opinion obviously)
Answer me this then what the hell will they do to benefit the sika herd, all they can/say in speech's is shoot more hinds to grow bigger stags so
who does that when the roars on everyone's there too down stags, because big stags are on the cards not just meat animals. All they will do is cull animals
to lower the numbers because that is ALL they can do, if not then explain to the class what else they can / will do. Easier to insult people then prove a point aye!!
My brilliant bit of logic.
Didn't they bring in(somebody did)calicivirus, cwd should work, someone will think of that.
Anyway good to see forest and bird drop they BS again wapiti foundation, was hoping it would go to court give us all an idea of the crap that's going on we dont/wont hear about
I dont understand the link you have made between repellent and possums?
I dont know the percentage of 1080 that has repellent added but when lobbied for it is used quite often. Some deer herds in the NI are thriving where repellent is used (e.g.the Haurangis). It is very effective. Its not used as often as hunters would like mainly because of the cost, albeit that I'm sure that the authorities that use 1080 without repellent don't cry them selves to sleep because of the deer by-kill.
Ive listened to Cam Speedy speak at meetings a couple of times and have followed his career and writing since his early DOC years. I have never heard a coherent argument that contradicts what he has to say about the management of the Sika herd. If there is one I would like to be directed to it for my own information.
Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing, and right-doing, there is a field. I will meet you there.
- Rumi
Having known Cam for a long time since his NZFS days, he is talking about Game Management for the Sika herd and preaches it. CARBINE comments about people shooting stags during the roar which is their main objective - I also hunt stags for the roar and forget about the hinds this time of year as not my target species at this time. But you now have many hunters continuing to target stags in the velvet - stripping the velvet to say they got a trophy well outside the roar period - then use artificial colouring to enhance what wasn't quite the animal they actually shot - just look at Youtube. Hinds are rarely targeted nowadays on public land as many hunters seem to want antler - spiker and better? Go figure.
Have a bit of a look at the Sika foundation's data - in short the reason they are saying take out more hinds is there are too many animals in most areas for the available feed to support so the animals are in rubbish condition and the vegetation is getting hammered. Taking out hinds is the surest means of population control, one hind this year is three animals in two years etc etc. The figures and research supports this opinion but its easiest to get it from the source.
just a heads up .if this nicola toki is who I think she is -definitely not one to turn ones back on!
A lot of international donors to twig n tweet would be disgusted at this further attempt to exterminate our game animals IMO. I also feel NZDA and GAC would do well to seek finacial support from offshore hunting groups because twig n tweet will keep pushing the anti intriduced game animals and gamebirds barrow with fanatical zeal if allowed by hunter complacency.
Summer grass
Of stalwart warriors splendid dreams
the aftermath.
Matsuo Basho.