You let me down Linyera, all this time I have been thinking your hunting was on true wild animals, but you breed them in a paddock?
Los animales no son salvajes?
Doubt there are many wild deer left in the flat pasture lands (Uruguay, Argentina etc) you would need to head into Patagonia, the Andes or the Amazon. The so called free range deer will all be stocked reds, the boars will be wild though. The native deer i have seen are usually small, look quite different and there are bugger all left.
There's tonnes of Pampas Deer and Chital still wild in Uruguay. Never seen a red there though although they are about but I think they are mostly "encouraged" to breed in the places they are.
It is misunderstanding my message friends !!!!These deer are clearly seen to be from a hatchery...I have never killed a deer in my life or plan to do so!!! Is more .. if you look carefully at the photos of my hunts none of the deer that I have hunted or I have done hunting has more than 15 points, the normal is between 12 and 14 points !!! They are totally wild !! In other words, I lead HUNTS ... not KILLING captive-bred animals !! .I wanted to imply that these farm animals eventually end up escaping and leaving their descendants among the savages !!!