So all you guys that think Dave is in the wrong should you or any of your loved ones find yourself in the same position as the hunter are you going to check the persons credentials that comes to help you and refuse their help
So all you guys that think Dave is in the wrong should you or any of your loved ones find yourself in the same position as the hunter are you going to check the persons credentials that comes to help you and refuse their help
Happily made a donation today. Thought the prosecution was merely a procedural thing.
Sometimes rules are made to be broken, subjectively I guess to everyone but this was one of them times for me.
What a good bastard, being in the shit out at sea or up in the bush looks much different form sitting in a courthouse nice and cosy later on.
Hope someone like this is around if I'm in the shit!
I would be interested to see the weather report of that day and also read the flight report from the west pact chopper on that day:
Did west pack chopper went back to base because they could not find the hunting party and ran out of fuel or did they turn back because weather was gona turn nasty and endanger the life of the crew? I guess WP pilots are no amateurs and would take safety very seriously. If they went back to base for the second reason then maybe it would have been unwise to fly after them in those conditions even with a valid pilot licence. Otherwise good on Dave Armstrong to take the initiative
Hey being payday I am trying to do the donation I said I would and am being directed to a "payment express" thing to enter my bank login number and password.... Is this legit?.
I am not comfortable putting that information anywhere but my banks login page.
"Hunting and fishing" fucking over licenced firearms owners since ages ago.
308Win One chambering to rule them all.
Looks like he's doing OK without you Cam.
The range of what we think and do is limited by what we fail to notice. And because we fail to notice that we fail to notice, there is little we can do to change; until we notice how failing to notice shapes our thoughts and deeds
If he first explained his predicament and the others on board still went I don't think they would. I certainly wouldn't.
The road transport industry has rules for how long you can work but lets you break those in emergency situations. I think it is time for an overhaul of the CAA and rules.
There are only three types of people in this world. Those that can count, and those that can't!