What a fantastic cash cow, pledging to eradicate something that can't be eradicated. And making the public think they are doing it in the name of the greater good! I need to get into this poison business![]()
What a fantastic cash cow, pledging to eradicate something that can't be eradicated. And making the public think they are doing it in the name of the greater good! I need to get into this poison business![]()
How are they going to eradicate rats etc when pests keep entering the country.
Look at those poor bastard pea farmers. Shut down for 2 years because of a weaval.
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Do what ya want! Ya will anyway.
"Thats not a knife, this is a knife"
Rule 2: Always point firearms in a safe direction
tps://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20180505T00&p0=264&msg=Dundees+Countdo wn+to+Gamebird+Season+2018&font=cursive
"Hunting and fishing" fucking over licenced firearms owners since ages ago.
308Win One chambering to rule them all.
So, for every two dollars local councils and private sector put in, the gvt puts in 1$.
As council money is public money from tax payers anyway, we tax payers put 2$ in and the private sector puts in 1$, does that sounds logical?
Now , how a private company is going to be able to get funded? I know g Morgan and his mates could be generous, but they are still here for business and having some kind of returns. So unless it is donations from NZ public or separately funded by gvt I can t see where money would come from.
Now if there was a bounty on rats, stoats, hedgehog , possums...etc. that would better motivate the population to act and be better for economy. At 1$ a possum, those 28 millions would help to eradicate almost 1/2 of the population. Say $2 a stoat, because they are doing a lot of damage and are not that easy to catch. 1/2$ a hedgehog , and 1$ for ten rats. Cats would be free :-) at least it would be good money to would get back into the economy specially in the rural areas.
Because I can see that predator free company being created, and spending their first $10 millions on iPhones, flash Utes , computers and all the administrative shit before they have killed a single rat.
Politicians genuinely believe that they're here to save ourselves from ourselves. If you don't agree with what they say, you're treated as an idiot.
Considering they are our employees, the ambiguous morals and high sense of entitlement is pretty shit tbh.
My thoughts after a few days to sink in. Administration costs will take most money available. Then I read Morgan expert on all, farcebook stuff on the subject. Charge the tourist a levies when they come here, then the penny drops for me. Tourist in the bush near you and hairy arsed hunters need to stay home so they will kill deer ect as a buy kill with 1080. The mono rail to the fiords will raise its head again soon. Then all decent patches of bush will have some form of quick access. The rich just don't spend shitloads for no return and the tourist dollar is easy pickings. Local councils / government on the other hand spend up bigtime with no thought of where the money comes from. DOC love tourists and if you don't believe it just check out how many idiots are choppered off the Tongariro crossing wearing jandals shorts and singlet cos the sun was shining when we set off. Best thing the hunter can do is run bear grills type tours. Eat you own shit, drink you own piss tour, or is that a stag night I cant remember.
Have been at a block that has not had poison ever, but the odd trap has been set. The possums were numerous, running up the road in, hear them around the dwelling at night. The Tui's and Pigeons and other birds were also there in great numbers also. Confusing.