Go have a look at some of the boots at EZ Direct in Taupo.
I've had 2 pairs of GriSport Kawekas. Very comfortable boot at a reasonable price, but depending on the amount of use and how hard you are on gear, longevity could be an issue. Mine lasted just over a year per pair, but that is daily use plus a fair amount of tramping with regular care...
Now I'm trying some Kostyle boots from EZ Direct. Different level of boot altogether. Lot less stitching, rand, re-enforced heel (that's where I wear out mos boots). Will see how these go.
Viva la Howa ! R.I.P. Toby | Black rifles matter... | #illegitimate_ute
Comfy but the soles just fall of them after a bit of use.
From the research I have doing lately; apparently Andrews are really good. Talking to a couple of big station managers who have had their pairs last for years. I'm personally using them now.
I had a pair of the cheaper grisport hikers and thought they were brilliant. They lasted me about 3 years, and i was doing a lot more hunting then, both south island and north island hunts. I only got rid of them as I walked the soles off them.
Been wearing them for the last 3+ years. Clocked up huge kms in them. Best boots i've bought to date, won't be buying any other brands at this point! (edit: just seen they don't make my ones anymore)
Were super comfortable right out of the box. I've been waiting for them to wear out so i can get some new ones, but the bloody things won't die! lol
Last edited by Dublin; 29-10-2018 at 03:58 PM.
i had a set and 8 months of light use the sole cracked right across the arch. i was wondering while my foot was wet while walking down nothing more than a rutted farm track
Just checked out Sarvo's boots....yeah i'd go with his given the mixed reviews!
Grisport boots have been great for me in my hunting conditions (I have the cheaper hiker ones too, but different design on their site now). Mine cost me $280 odd new, for the same price or cheaper if i could choose i'd definitely give Sarvo a bell!
It’s the old you get what you pay for, had a pair of kaikouras and they were comfy as but just didn’t last. Had a pair of Andrews boots for the last couple of years now. They’ve had a thrashing and are holding up incredibly well. Best boots iv had by a long shot
Which pair do you have @jknavara?
I had a pair of the Hunters. A year of abuse literally killed them! I liked after them but like @BRADS said, the sole fell apart.
Had a pair of Meindl Island Pros for five years now and still going strong.
Iv got the Andrews zebru boots, super comfy and the tounge on them is awesome how it goes right to the top of the boot. I’ll definately be buying another pair when I wear these ones out
I’ve got two pairs of Grisports right now. I’ve used Grisports since they were first imported by the Lenders brothers. I wear a pair every day. Wore them for the 30 days I was in the US.
I like them. The Hikers are a light weight boot, I normally got a year out of them, wearing them every day. I’m wearing the heavier Hercules at the moment.
I think they’re cost effect.
My latest $600 Lowa’s haven’t lasted any longer, the liners have just split on the heel.
Meindls have been the best boots I’ve ever had and I’ve had most makes.