There's plenty of animals in the front country - just ask the locals.It seem everyone from north of Cook Strait are hell bent on pushing up the catchments close to the divide.Spoze it's good for your cardio vascular..
An easy morning shot for a Chammy if that's your target is the neighbouring Poerua valley.Drive to the end of Crons Road on the south side of Hari Two.Hunt the first and second side creeks on the T.R. Animals on the slips and you'll be back to the pie shop in time for smoko.
The takeaway tip is most out of towners go straight on by head down arse up past the easy ones on the coast.
Ford looks cross able just upstream of hot springs creek. 2.5hrs in stopping along the way. Less than 2hrs back out. Will try somewhere else tonight just looking at 1080 maps 🙄
Yeah the sods have dropped a fair few green carrots around HH recently.