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Thread: Has 1080 by kill struck again

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  1. #1
    TJM is offline
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    Personally i'm all for control of so called pests, bearing in mind nearly everything and everyone is an introduced species of some sort !
    i just cant get my head around the mass spread of any dangerous chemical on the country side of what once was supposed to be an unpolluted pristine country with a reputation for fresh clean streams, fresh produce and relatively unpolluted fresh air. Well we will have to wait for nearly 100 years before the over application of fertiliser leaches into the once clear lakes (Taupo is an example)and if the process of fencing off streams and planting their banks with plant life is taken seriously then maybe the effluent from our dairy farms will be reduced and your kids will be able to swim in the streams with out fear of ingesting some bacteria or bug that could potentially kill them? The bush has been changed possibly for good by our grandfathers ( clear felling native trees), deforestation of the land for farming etc etc. The good old possum was introduced originally for the fur trade and at the time i wouldn't mind betting some one got a pat on the back for the potential income that this would have generated at the time?
    I just know that when i have hunted in forest that has been previously been subjected to intensive poisoning from aerial drops there is nothing around, no bird life no deer, pigs and may be the possums are reduced for a few months too. As a hunter i am amazed that some of us can still support poisoning on this scale. But hey this is a free country we are all entitled to an opinion !!

  2. #2
    Lovin Facebook for hunters kiwijames's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Graeme Sturgeon View Post
    Why?, Are they politics or religion???.
    Todays DOC release claims that there is inconclusive proof a recent 1080 drop in the Kahurangi National Park has killed 25 rare rock wren.
    It makes you wonder is this going to be another cover up?
    Mick Smith is already saying that the use of preventative additives mixed in with the baits is designed to stop the bi-kill of non targeted species. We all know that really works.
    New Zealand Firsts Richard Prosser is calling for a MORATORIUM ON THE USE OF 1080.
    Is it time for the parties involved to be prosecuted if the 1080 drop was responsible for the death of these rock wren.
    I guess we will have to wait and see what the investigation shows up.
    ebf, Toby, BRADS and 1 others like this.

  3. #3
    Member Dundee's Avatar
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    What gets me is that DOC are saying snow may have killed them.,well the rock wren lives in an alpine region surely it has evolved to the alpine conditions.
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  4. #4
    Member nelpop's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dundee View Post
    What gets me is that DOC are saying snow may have killed them.,well the rock wren lives in an alpine region surely it has evolved to the alpine conditions.
    YEP Dundee, Green snow from the sky.
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  5. #5
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    When on active service, particularly if my memory serves me correctly before a shitty operation soldiers are reminded of what they are fighting for. One of the principles in particular I am always mindful of is the one "Freedom of Speech".

    And yet when the evidence for poisoning looks shady no one wants to talk about it. Prior to a poisoning you cannot get DOC, AHB or Regional Councils to attend meetings or consult with anybody that 1080 is likely to effect. Their operating procedure now is to declare interested parties hostile and refuse to meet or discuss.

    Hunters of all people must discuss and keep themselves informed of what is going on, even just to protect their hunting, themselves, their families, their dogs and other people who are not in the same knowledge loop as most of us are

  6. #6
    Member Dundee's Avatar
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    Don't give me shit about dairy farmers! WE PUT UP WITH A LOT OF SHIT!! those sheep and beef farmers graze the rivers with their stock
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  7. #7
    Member rambler's Avatar
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    apparently 2 tagged key found dead too. Now the rat numbers have boosted up already, doc and their dirty 1080 are looking worse n worse. big time fail nz

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by rambler View Post
    apparently 2 tagged key found dead too. Now the rat numbers have boosted up already, doc and their dirty 1080 are looking worse n worse. big time fail nz
    3 dead kea last report. More to be found yet I guess. The average kea deaths in previous 1080 drops is around 25%.
    Last edited by Graeme Sturgeon; 21-01-2015 at 10:46 AM.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by rambler View Post
    apparently 2 tagged key found dead too. Now the rat numbers have boosted up already, doc and their dirty 1080 are looking worse n worse. big time fail nz
    Lets try and be scientific and not emotive on it shall we.


    "The "Battle For Our Birds" programme, which began in July, was in response to an unusually large beech flowering season which led to a proliferation of pests such as rats and stoats."
    Last edited by steven; 21-01-2015 at 01:13 PM.
    "I do not wish to be a pawn or canon fodder on the whims of MY Government"

  10. #10
    Member gadgetman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by steven View Post
    Lets try and be scientific and not emotive on it shall we.


    "The "Battle For Our Birds" programme, which began in July, was in response to an unusually large beech flowering season which led to a proliferation of pests such as rats and stoats."
    The science of the non target / secondary poisoning is pretty clear, along with statements from the manufacturer that 1080 is being used here in a manner for which it was not intended. It was only meant to be used in bait stations.
    Tommy likes this.
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  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by nelpop View Post
    Todays DOC release claims that there is inconclusive proof a recent 1080 drop in the Kahurangi National Park has killed 25 rare rock wren.
    It makes you wonder is this going to be another cover up?
    Mick Smith is already saying that the use of preventative additives mixed in with the baits is designed to stop the bi-kill of non targeted species. We all know that really works.
    New Zealand Firsts Richard Prosser is calling for a MORATORIUM ON THE USE OF 1080.
    Is it time for the parties involved to be prosecuted if the 1080 drop was responsible for the death of these rock wren.
    I guess we will have to wait and see what the investigation shows up.
    and if you dont drop it a hell of a lot more native species will die.
    "I do not wish to be a pawn or canon fodder on the whims of MY Government"

  12. #12
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    Hackwell, Forest & Bird, 3 News, Monday 19 Jan 2015:
    “They are insectivorous birds....so they are not going to be interested in eating a 1080 bait”

    the following quotes are from Te Ara Encyclopedia of New Zealand – Te Ara

    Rock wrens eat a variety of invertebrates, including beetles, spiders, flies, caterpillars and caddisflies. They also eat berries and grass seeds.

    The rifleman and the alpine rock wren are the only remaining species of the ancient New Zealand wren family. Five other species – four of them flightless – were made extinct by introduced predators. Feral cats had wiped out the last Stephens Island wren by 1894. The most recent loss was the bush wren. Once widespread, its gradual disappearance went almost unnoticed. It was last seen around 1972.
    Robins and tomtits have large heads, short necks, round bodies and an upright stance. They have short bristles around the bill. Robins have long legs, and are larger than tomtits. All are insectivorous. The oldest known bird lived 16 years, but their life expectancy is three years.

    1080 poison is forst and foremost AN INSECTICIDE.
    ROCK WREN EVOLVED IN SNOW, SURVIVE AND LIVE UNDER SNOW ALL WINTER AT HIGH ALTITUDE SO IT IS EXTREMELY UNLIKELY THAT A SNOWFALL WOULD KILL THEM--IMHO. They are known to be predated on by stoats. Stoats are carnivores and do not directly take 1080 baits. Any stoat deaths up there after a 1080 drop are more likely to be caused by the stoats eating poisoned rock wrens that have eaten crumbed baits or poisoned insects than by directly eating any baits.
    Dundee and gadgetman like this.

  13. #13
    Member Dundee's Avatar
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  14. #14
    Member doinit's Avatar
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    Being involved with the mixing and the distribution of 1080 poison, then seeing what this poison actually does to animal, fish, bird and insect life is a heart stopper.
    DOC brass already know this. Their findings are made to suit the ears of those who have come to believe what they are doing is for the greater cause { brain wash}
    One of their greatest tools is the word BY- KILL. The word repellent is also added, that softens the blow a little also for the believers.
    These users of 1080 are F***ing with nature big time and they are well aware of this, that in itself is a huge mistake. {worry}
    What you read is what they want you to believe, that alone is where the pro group was founded. First hand experience with this deadly poison and knowing damn well what it is capable of will soon put one into the anti group, there are many but not all have had first hand experience.
    Their TV spin docos are their way of recruiting the pro groups, they run the media. Average Joe in the city has no real interest only a minority do.
    One day { with a lot of luck} these criminal types will be exposed and you can be sure that not one of them will be held accountable for the destruction they have caused.
    1080 = $'s and total destruction at the same time.
    What is the real reason behind all this continuation of deadly poison?

  15. #15
    Member Dundee's Avatar
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    Copied and pasted so don't shoot the messenger.

    "1080 was first patented as an insecticide. It even can kill aphids on a plant that takes it up through the soil and kills fleas on an animal sublethally poisoned. It is pure fantasy to imagine that the rock wren did not die from 1080 poisoning. Notman (1989) found insectivores are killed when they feed on insects, and on baits that are laid for possums and rodents. Cockroaches become slow and do not exhibit usual evasion of prey animals. Weta become hyperactive and both can take days even weeks before it kills them - if a bird or other animal doesn't eat it first. World Health Organisation noted 1080 as highly toxic to bees. It is not just a mammalian poison - it affects anything that uses oxygen - including fish. Both vertebrates and invertebrates, but at different rates because it is a metabolic poison. Clinical dose is hard to pin down. No antidote has ever been discovered. It is only broken down by microbial action usually of the soil but it kills the organisms that break it down. 1080 has not been studied properly here and the insect study that DoC arranged to replace the Mike Meads study that had 6 peer reviews and showed a problem for invertebrates (including insects) was not well done and not peer reviewed, but said what they wanted it say. That is a dangerous game and other countries do recognise NZ's misconceptions about 1080 including the water misconception. We are only hurting ourselves by carrying on with this charade for the benefit of a few business men hiding behind the state's skirts and falsifying facts. "
    "Thats not a knife, this is a knife"
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