can any one advise where the huts are..Also how far down the highway from Taupo is it. thanks
I think an hour from Taupo gets you to the managers house.
As far as huts goes, which one are you interested in ?
These are the ones I know of
Last edited by Pengy; 12-09-2013 at 10:07 PM.
It seems that there are differing sets of rules around for Tataraakina at the moment. the following was sent to me by another forum member, but it conflicts with what we have been told. Anyone else know what the guts is
$300 key bond. Only 1 animal per BOOKING (deer/pig or goat). Absolutely NO spotlighting or dogs.
I have a pdf with all of it on but cant seem to post a copy
Correction. Only one animal per permitted hunter per booking. It also sounds as though the security firm looking after things on behalf of the trust, has dropped the key bond bullshit
Has anyone got an update on the roar at Tataraakina. We have booked but have heard nothing back.
Can anyone shed an opinion on Gary's Hut. We have hunted Mangawhio and Kyber, but know nothing about Gary's.