They just crap over everyone who stands in their way; period; and supported by Nick Smith and Twig n Tweet.
Summer grass
Of stalwart warriors splendid dreams
the aftermath.
Matsuo Basho.
Maybe I should of said that they "should" be crapping themselves. rather than "will" be.
It can only be a matter of time before something dies from secondary poisoning . But then, I guess that it would most likely not get too much publicity due to the nature of the sanctuary and the massive council funding it received
Makes you wonder aye , how many bugs carry this stuff around only to be eaten by birds & lizards![]()
The Green party putting the CON in conservation since 2017
Brodi is waay worse than 1080 thats for sure.
1st of September Northern Ruahines
"Thats not a knife, this is a knife"
Rule 2: Always point firearms in a safe direction
tps:// wn+to+Gamebird+Season+2018&font=cursive
Yet I can come up with lawyers that say different.
Hi @Tahr, in answer to your request for evidence for my statements: Paragraph 1 - 1080 poison is cruel without doubt so well proven that I don't believe you would debate that point. The same for the poisoning of vertebrates and invertebrates alike.
Para 2: If you look at the extinctions of birds like the NZ Native Quail Coturnix Novaezelandiae , this bird was common across the Nth Sth and Great Barrier Islands, so common that daily bags of 100 were easily shot. Then simultaneously they disappeared. Bird life international lists the cause as 'diseases from introduced game birds' The following link will show you how extensive the problem is -
The inland sanctuary Islands is a 'no-brainer' we already see how these work - how birds move to safe areas to breed and then move out into the wider area. The same concept can also be seen working with marine sanctuaries.
Brodi is fat soluble, sub lethal doses when ingested are stored evenly distributed through the bodies fat stores and if conditions are right can remain immobile for months possibly years. In time of famine when the body starts metabolising its fat reserves then you get lethal levels released into the bloodstream. That cockroach looked to have binged on a blue block shortly before squish, so thee effect of eating that would be like eating the block itself.
I have no doubt that any number of Lawyers could be 'purchased' to champion any point of view you care to put forward.
Opinion, unqualified and tested observation without the guidance of scientific best practice (tested and reviewable process that bears up under the scrutiny of peer review) is an unfortunate distraction at best and I must admit an understandable attraction but mostly just a real wast of time we can't afford. Once a large enough pool of data has been gathered it needs to be assessed without the influence of financial or proffessional reward etc.
It's understandable that when a fella who stalks a block he knows well does not see rats for example or evidence of rats to naturally enough assume that they are not present or at least in very low numbers. Track tunnels with baits and cameras etc are at the least a proven starting standard for assessing population numbers, short of that 'observation opinion' does not help.
What I find most discouraging at the moment are the numbers of folk who have no or little faith in scientific standards or are unaware of them and are invested in promoting baseless notions or are more invested in their pet or preffered version rather than being prepared to constantly test and re visit their current understanding critically - good tested research is not opinion, it is unless you can come up with reliable tested data to prove otherwise fact.
Hi Wirehunt, I'm not having a go at you here or anyone really, just got on a roll, having a rave and getting thought's observations on paper![]()