Time for you to hop in your car and go make friends with some absolute strangers again, @
Nakihunter. Cos that's the way its done. Face to face is the only way. You might get some clues or hints on a forum, but really, the only good way to set up your friends' shooting trip in NZ is to do the leg work yourself. When I have mates coming over here from overseas, I make damn sure I've got everything covered ahead of time. I set up the permissions, recce the land, check out the likely spots, work out our camping spots. A lot can change in a little time.
One recent example is a property I went to for years. Hadn't been for about 18 months, called up and quick chat with the missus, she said "sure come on down!" but she neglected to tell me about the huge slips, blocked accesses, the washed out bridge and the fact there had been a bulldozer and excavator working 14 hrs a day for weeks on end. Hardly any deer there now, all buggered off. They'll be back, but if I'd taken some OS mates in there with the place it in that state, I would have felt like a complete tit.
Its no time to find out the hard way that a piece of internet "advice" is a crock of shit, when you've got your mates in tow.
On a forum like this, no one knows a thing about you, how you present, how you speak, how you look. Instinct is used to judge a man's character, and that ain't possible on a screen and a keyboard. It isn't hard, just gotta make the time and put some miles on the clock. That's just the way it is. The DOC website would be a good place to start your research.