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Thread: Hi, sks can be use for hunting?

  1. #31
    Member kimjon's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    I've shot a lot of animals with an sks, it it worked great out to 150m point and shoot. However I used it for culling where I brought it a long to farm shoots and the like where I expected to encounter large mobs.

    I never bush hunted with it as they aren't that practical for this style of hunting and I always had other rifles (bolt action) that where more suited to that style of hunting.

    For me it's all about bringing along the right tool for the job on the day....but if ever in doubt I'd just default to my bolt action as it was a good general purpose weapon that could be used in any situation.


  2. #32
    Member outinabout's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Hunua, Papakura
    Love the 7.62 x 39 for deer hunting in the bush, Mine is a bolt action. I dont think I have ever had a shot further than 100m. Dont believe anyone that says this is not a good deer round, It has limitations, just learn what they are.
    Its so cheap to shoot you might even get good with it!
    Hey diddle diddle, aim for the middle.



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