As many as unthink ull need plus 10
Big night spotlighting on roos 30/ person
Camels 5 in mag plus 5
Rabbits 50
Pigeon / rats with pcp 2 tins 500 shots
Rabbits down here,you need 50 pkts not 50 rds.Well bricks if you driving around for a few nights.
@ trout I'll pay on the brick on rabbits in this place
Went past paddock today , must have had over 100 in 50x50m looked like gulls next to a fish factory
Couldn't believe the density, never-ending seen rm that dense on golf course greens , was at about 1900 not even dark yet...
In the name of safety I don't take any rounds with me. If I see a deer I go home and get a round but so far every time I've gone back the deer has gone![]()
It takes 43 muscle's to frown and 17 to smile, but only 3 for proper trigger pull.
What more do we need? If we are above ground and breathing the rest is up to us!
Rule 1: Treat every firearm as loaded
Rule 2: Always point firearms in a safe direction
Rule 3: Load a firearm only when ready to fire
Rule 4: Identify your target beyond all doubt
Rule 5: Check your firing zone
Rule 6: Store firearms and ammunition safely
Rule 7: Avoid alcohol and drugs when handling firearms
Years ago (45yrs) in the Twizel area you coud drive around the canels where i worked.Paddocks would have thousands in them,you could count up to 15-20 blacks rabbits,odd white hare.Theyd all sit back about 200yds from the roads,just bloody thousands of them.Youd get sick of shooting them,so many more would pop up.
6 rounds, plus 2 subsonic rounds for finishing shots if required. Just trying to get rid of the subsonics really. I'm goat hunting rather than culling. I tend to take 1 - 4 animals.
Evening hunt out in the Canterbury foothills, I usually take 6-7 rounds. Seems plenty if you can get close enough and have time to set up properly. A weekend trip would be a box of 20 - in case of needing to re-sight rifle etc. Informative thread!
Deer hunting I'll take a mags worth.
But goat shooting I take a minimum of 40. The first time I went out I rattled through 20 rds on three mobs in 15 minutes.
Its no big deal to bring ammo home![]()
With the factory rounds I've been using, shot placement must be absolutely spot on and we're really talking about a good head shot. They may work if you're tucked up in a hide waiting to shoot a feeding pig, but for quick shots in the bush, it's a no from me. For the record, I'm using Hornady Sub-X. I've written lots of posts about them previously. In short, the performance shown in the marketing is bullshit.
Others who reload with custom projectiles have had better results and are even able to take well placed chest shots.
@Tahr I can only comment on my case but
Only consider one up the spout as one in chamber if I think I'm close to something. Not on half cock, bolt could be pulled back. Most rifles aren't designed for a half cock but that's been done to death previously
If I really think I'm going to see something or I'm sitting down waiting then it will be fully closed and safety on
If I move out of the area I'll unload and close bolt on empty chamber.
Easy to do on the push feeds but a PITA on the mausers.
If it's an area that I would think I have heaps of time and animal wouldn't hear me, I'd only load just before shot.
That's me anyway