Holy moley! I was wondering how this yarn was going to go. Kidmac LOST HIS SHIT!!!!!!!! Good stuff.
Now I understand that it must be very hard for the police and other civil servants to be constantly judged by us armchair experts, but fuck it, who else polices the police? I am also glad we live in a country where most of our police and elected officials are the community heros and stalwarts they need to be. I am not however so naïve to think that they don't suffer from the same amount of dickheads, idiots and so forth as found in any other organisation.
I understand the original concern of Boaraxa regarding someone letting strip circa 10 rounds of .223 in a built up area. Lets be fair, even one round has the potential to end up somewhere undesirable, let alone while fired in the heat of the moment, under stress, professional or not. I seem to remember a certain courier driver finding out the hard way not too long ago. OP may of strayed from his original point with some remarks but that's what makes this forum interesting, lots of different views and people.
Of course all you guys bagging the fuck out of the OP, know for CERTAIN that the cop involved, was a highly trained urban ninja marksman who could simply mindfuck his corelocts into the cow with zero risk to anyone anywhere! Although I am glad it ended without harm, I can hear your screaming reactions had said cop managed to put a couple of strays into some elderly person, child or other helpless sod.
I can only hope, that the cow was dispatched in a safe manner, by a diligent, trained professional. Not in a hail of wild gunfire, by someone maybe with very little firearm experience, who was a little to excited by getting some trigger time. Who really knows? Maybe I am just getting cynical in my old age.