That's a different interpretation of a 'steak out'??![]()
That's a different interpretation of a 'steak out'??![]()
Went to buy some camouflage trousers the other day but I couldn't find any.
I don't know how to link it but , if you have face book ,,, go to swazi page , video on there of a farmer and a bitch of a cow that charges and runs right over his quad and his mate legs it up the hill ... funny as hell to watch ,,, but it also shows a farmer would have shot this bastard if he had his gun ......cop did the right thing ....
That's the worst video ever, they aren't farmers, they where two dicks who had no idea what they where doing.
As with the police video it was way clear at the first seen what the cow wanted to do, rather than go get the rest of the cows and bring them back they did well the dumbest bit and tried to chase her.
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Well sad to say I think you all missed the point hereits not the shot placement it's the caliber clearly... If the police had been still armed with SLRs then the cow would have gone down first shot.
Bring back .308
I suggest youre a boy in a mans underpants and as for police work you wouldnt know your arse from your elbow boyo. ive had previous experience with your type "all hat fuck all cattle"
dont bother replying ,im not interested!
That was clearly a joke. Speaking of underpants, yours are on your head mate - get your shit together.
All new low scores of reading and comprehension on NZHS
Spelling has always been appaling lets face it![]()
"Hunting and fishing" fucking over licenced firearms owners since ages ago.
308Win One chambering to rule them all.
I enjoyed the commentary and wondered what a taser would do except piss the cow off even more.
Fair play to the cop involved. He was on a hiding to nothing as soon as he had to intervene.
no tommy they aint and its no joke! comprehende? the cop who was confronted with a bloody dangerous situation has a fucking split second to make the decision_take action,,all the time knowing full well hell be damned if he does and damned if he doesnt by knowall keyboard warriors or lardass politicians academics and fuckin anti police activists,none of whom were there to actuaslly witness it ,but rely on a fucked up MSM.
The fact we had a person offer such a post on this forum suprised me as its more typical of the simpering left leaning gossips on tarde me message one generally gets a more baslanced consideration in an opinion. however each to their own and obviously you seem to feel I was a bit hard .if so rest assured thats mild !
Last edited by kotuku; 25-08-2015 at 10:03 PM.
Taser no good that's for sure. It would give the animal a 5 second ride and then what? Hand cuffs lol or another 5 second ride... yep I think you are right, it would only end up pissing the thing off even more. How ever if an animal control (X3W) was used then that would change it a bit (Not sure if these are even available here in NZ yet) but then you are still stuck with what to do with the animal.
Aaah I get it. Going off on a complete tangent and cracking a joke is copyright. Yeah I comprendè mate, most people just scratch their heads and wonder if you're getting into the patients meds tho. Calm. The. Fuck. Down.
Don't be so subtle kotuku, tell us what you really think!![]()
I know a few mental health nurses actually, is this you in calm mode, or bully mode? I couldn't give a flying fuck that you are, you dribble absolute unintelligible shit most of the time, while trying to be a comedian yourself. As for being a Jaffa? So what, I'm not from here , not that it matters.